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Friday, May 20, 2016


So much for the doctor on Manila Doctors Hospital which basically just ripped off 600 PHP on my wallet for a simple paper clearance. Now I just recently learned from the Oiler that Cf Sharp didn’t even get to bother contacting me when some of the crew had already signed up with their contracts which happened just Monday. If it weren't for the info I learned on the Oiler , I wouldn’t have went to the Cf Sharp Office at all and fixed some of the pending issues I have on my paper.
Anyway I got there as soon as I can after fixing up the pending issue about the pulmonary clearance in Manila Doctors Hospital and getting the Cholera vaccine from FMT. It’s a good thing I went there and sorted out some info that was placed on my 201 file data in Cf Sharp and catch up on the paper works. Personally I'm not enthusiastic at all on the details of my contract that was offered, as a matter of fact from my understanding the contract offered to me was just basically a revamped version of a CSM contract and frankly I couldn't recommend it at all, anyway as if I had any other choice from the start ?!
Thankfully I was able to catch back some objectives and will be able to finish all the objectives in a day or two. 
One thing I have noticed from my future to be co-workers is that some of them at this early stage is having doubts about the whole contract at this early stage. In fact the oiler whom I mentioned earlier backed out on the last minute and said an excuse "that he's diabetic" even though I even read his medical report that he's not. For me it's good for him that he backed out when there's still time and there's nothing binding him here on this shitty company, I would have done the same month's earlier if it weren't for that accursed "cash advance" that left me stuck here. Probably I'm surmising that my co-workers too are suspicious about the terms of the contract and find it unfair or least to their liking.
Whatever the case on my part, it's only a first and last contract here
Aside from that , there's also some form that are given to me that i needed to sign up. Nothing interesting only on the form about the social media thing, which basically tell that posting anything that is negative about the company is prohibited and will have serious consequences on employment. they encourage social media to crew if they post only positive and only publish truthful facts (actually truthful facts based on their narrow minded bias views ) .  In other words no bullshit facts about the company, only asshole liking propaganda for their personal gain. They reasoned that social media is a public site and could damage the company reputation because of it
Frankly this doesn't look good for me given that I had a blog and regularly update it, and suppression of freedom to write doesn't suit my ideology - basically for me it violates my civil liberties. Call centre company called TRANSCOM tried to suppress my freedom and blogs way back 2013 , they even tried as far as shutting down my blog via reporting it to Google and yet despite all they techy skill poured into it , my blog is still operational up to now and running. The real picture here is that companies (both seabased and landbased) have the guts to be a real dick and piss off every employee and yet don’t have the balls to face the consequence of people telling to the public that their employment standards are shitty. It’s a good thing that I live in the Philippines and there is no such thing technically that stops people from posting anything they want , either be it a praise or an insult.
Anyway in relation to this, I would take steps in carefully publishing my posts on my blog and would creatively abbreviate details. It's a simple step but will greatly reduce and even delay the chance of discovery of my blog, actually even if I post all the details , there is no such thing as "cyber libel" and that kind of lawsuit here. The only harshest thing they could give is fire me from the job and nothing more.

this is the source of my misery from the start on why i got trapped on cf sharp in the first place and my salary was downgraded and given a shitty pay. sailor should be careful on this part