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Thursday, May 3, 2018


JOURNAL ENTRY : January 25 2018, Thursday

For the moment , I had now been enjoying the full extent of online banking and checking on my account details and doing some money transfers. Imagine I'm doing a financial transactions using my mobile phone or computer on what should be done in a bank.

Internet banking and Mobile phone banking is been around in the Philippines for more than a decade and yet here in the maritime industry ., it is still unheard of and probably is still a new concept. Some of my crewmates here never even heard of it , or practically never knew it existed at all.

It may take a while for the general population of seafarers in the maritime industry to fully be even aware on this kind of Financial technology since internet onboard ships is still newly introduced.

Now for the moment , it looks like that my regular allotment salary for me hasn’t arrived yet even though its already the 25th of this month. (Delayed salary perhaps ??) . I had been checking it via mobile banking and verified it again via internet banking and the results ended up the same., - The salary hasn’t been wired transferred yet.

What could be cause of the delay ?

In other news related


Seriously ??? Even my personal electronics are to be checked this time around ? Apparently the longer I'm staying here in this ship (and in general in UPL - Shell / Nakilat ) Their "safety" polices keeps getting worse and more bizarre. Honestly I don’t see the point on why they have to check my personal belonging which includes my electronic gadgets.

I do know their looking for fire safety hazard but checking my electronic gadgets is a bit over the top and from what I'm looking at its already a violation of my privacy and civil rights.  I'm not comfortable some person is just simply barging around the cabin inspecting and looking on my personal belongings and effects.  Even if its for the sake of so called "fire safety hazard" .

In other news

A Filipino Superintendent boarded this ship back in Lass Raffan and now is conducting some sort of "motivational" lectures to the whole crew. During those meeting session he explains the working culture in this principal