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Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Entry log : January 03, 2017 Monday
Location : Somewhere in Sri lanka, Enroute to Ras Laffan Qatar

Another year went and has come to pass again. For the moment New Year's celebration here on board this ship is dry as a Sahara Desert, No celebrations , No parties - Nothing whatsoever. Basically throws off international tradition and holiday out of the window. It was just a plain old ordinary "rest day".

Anyway it's not surprising because this is an Arab ship and Arab's and Muslim's disregard International and Christian holidays, but to think this is a SHELL company management (for all its reputation) and ignore New Year is definitely a big surprise. To make it more worse the management here is "Indian" which doesn’t care less about Filipino Folks

Late in the afternoon on January 01, The Management here did gave a giveaway digital watch and Maglite flash light , just to avoid the embarrassment of having nothing for new year's eve. Kind of like a patch up for the doing nothing at new year's day.

Whatever the case I had already made up my mind not to stay here on this company and principal, its because of this that I'm not staying,  Working practices here are too difficult - too uncomfortable to work with.     

In other news ., I've heard that the next ship captain here will be Indian (oh no ) and from the description of how Bosun Berlix describes it , it looks like it's not a good news . Apparently from what I heard , this ship captain is a company man and hates any form of alcohol content stuff. Crew who are caught inside their cabin to have any stuff that have even the smallest content like rubbing alcohol, mouthwash etc.,. will be immediately fired from the job , (the excuse of summary dismissal is "Violation of Alcohol policy") .

To avoid any entanglements until I finished my contract., I have to hide my rubbing alcohol and mouth wash for the time being until this incoming Indian captain gets off this ship (or I get out of this ship) . But thinking about this policy , I don’t see the logical reason why such items should be banned , after all rubbing alcohol is used medically for treating wounds for eons now and mouth wash is medically used also for disinfectant (getting rid of halitosis).

Just because he thinks he's the captain - he thinks he's so smart, high and mighty  but in reality he's just a normal Seafarer asshole and another Indian ignorant, after all He is a Ship captain , NOT A CHEMIST and NEVER A SCIENTIST. Stereotype seafarers , pitiful and thinks he knows everything in the world.

Another bad news I could write about is that the Indian electrician broke the elevator ., the elevator was working fine until this rats ass Indian electrician messed it up during his so called "maintenance" . Now as a result I am now forced to walk and go up and down on the stairs ways every now and then, it would be fine if this ship is just only a four story building like in most liquid tankers but on my case at the moment , this ship is a seven story height on the accommodation block alone (and more starting from the engine room and up) , so it’s not easy to endure on my knee's using the stairways often. Especially when I'm doing my laundry at 2am in the morning .
Working here keeps getting worse., and my only hope now is to reach the completion of the contract within 6 months or less., to get out of this company and principal