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Thursday, May 3, 2018


Journal entry : January 15, 2018 Monday

It's just only been at least 11 days since my last entry but it felt like I haven't wrote anything for month. Time for the moment seems to passes slowly on this ship., and it's because of the work environment of "every day is Monday" here.

On the past few days , this ship berthed on its home port on Rass Laffan, Qatar and I went on a shore leave which turned out to be a total waste of time and was not allowed to even go outside the port facility and go to Doha. Basically we were just in the Seaman's Center and stayed there wasting time.

I was hoping that I could really get out the port and buy some stuff on the local mall (mostly electronic stuff) , but apparently it was disappointing and I would be better off staying with the ship and sleeping.

On recent news ….

Relations with Filipino crew members are getting sour ., and I haven't faced any situation like this since Stolt Strength and Cape Tallin. Got me caught off hand honestly , never saw it coming.

Two incidents at least that I had been at odd with them , and the most recent annoyance I had with them is on the fire drill. Which they kept pressuring me to wear a fireman's outfit and when the time came that I was wearing one , I was being heavily criticized about what I'm and heard some unnecessary bitching comments from A.B. "Wendel"  saying "is that what your previous ship crew does when you have fire drill"

I mean "What the fuck !!????" 

If I knew this would have happened , I shouldn't have bothered going with it in the first place - such ungrateful sons of bitches !!!! The fireman's suit was uncomfortable to wear (at least in tropical weather in Singapore area) especially during an outside temperature of 35 degrees Celsius. The mask was so airtight that I have problems breathing with it and nearly panicked when I almost suffocated, (which they had to actually switch on the oxygen tank for me ). Anyway I really had regrets of wearing the suit and from now I'd just stick to my muster list duties and won't go beyond that , to avoid bitching from these folks.