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Wednesday, May 2, 2018


JOURNAL ENTRY DATE : January 04, 2018 Thursday

Not all in this ship (and working practices ) is bad. On the recent safety meeting .,  Captain KOLANOVIC said that dry dock (ship repairs) will be delayed and that it will be around august.,

Upon hearing that I was relieved, and in some extent grateful that by the time this happens , I will be long and gone on UPL Shell / Nakilat . I don’t have to worry to go thru that kind of trouble, especially if the management terribly sucks like this one. For now I'm more than happy that dry dock of this ship will not happen within my contract length and whoever some unfortunately fucker stumbles upon this situation in Nakilat , he is in for a job in his life.

As for the role of the Riding crew here, I'm not sure how things will go on this point probably from what I heard , they'd just let the "Riding crew" finish the contract and let us off the hook (which suits me fine) ., or a rumour I heard from A.B. Art that we will be transferred to another ship midway on the contract and relived this awful workplace one more time, at least for the remainder of the contract.

Anyway its none of my business as long as I get the fuck out of UPL Shell / Nakilat as soon as possible., be off the road again and search for another company with pleasant work environment suitable enough to sustain my career.