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Sunday, July 15, 2018


April 14, 2018 Saturday

Its been a long stressful day again., I did went thru the hurdle of struggling as a pseudo A.B. here until I would get a chance to disembark ., Unfortunately it is to my dismay that "Early Vacation leave" didn’t pushed thru as some work politics here prevented approval (or somewhat sabotaged my efforts). I'm not sure if chief mate "Ivan" had something to do why my vacation leave was turned downed or it was the previous captain "douglas souza" . It was ok before and the "office" even approved and agreed to send me home by the time this ship will reach Ras Raffan, Qatar.

The newly arrived captain Kolonovic from singapore, approached me yesterday  during my work shift and wanted to know the reason why I filed tha "early vacation leave" ., I replied saying there is no particular reason and I just wanted to have an "early vacation"

(officially, that’s I would say just to avoid trouble here) ., while im still onboard and my "personal safety" here is not yet Guaranteed. The truth and real reason why I'm submitting that leave was because the environment here is very uncomfortable to work with from the start and to complicate things here furthermore is my co-workers both Filipino and non- Filipino nationalities have poisonous personality. Bosun "jerry" is practically full of shit and he doesn’t have the skills to have a normal conversation for three minutes without pissing off people off.,

The same situation goes the same also on the ship officer's specifically 2nd officer amir ., who pushes people around. He always find fault on anything I do ., even the most simplest and most non sense of things.

Recently things with him went sour , and I didn’t started it. One day I was just simply doing my usual routine on work and he then lashed out saying I'm not doing my job right complete with shouts, intimidation and insults. I took all of the brunt for the whole 3 hours and after that , I got fed up and confronted him and said that if he's so frustrated in my work performance and find me incompetent then he can replace me anytime as a watch keeper , after all im a "riding crew" category and in the first place i shouldn’t be doing this work in the first place.

2nd officer amir feeling my annoyance and anger quickly changed his tone and just said that he was just doing that for my own good. Honestly I don’t believe on any crap he said and his just excusing himself from my retaliation.

A.B. Erwin came by and saw mg anger