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Sunday, July 15, 2018


April 18, 2018 Wednesday

Things are not going well here for me onboard., as far as I can tell by now almost everyone here is having a grudge against me and there is not a day that goes by that I am not being mistreated, Its serious enough for me to decide to discontinue being a watch keeper and will talk to BOSUN later on to quit the job.

From what I'm describing , I am now being maltreated here and at the moment have a very low self-esteemed. I am always being critized here and insulted even on the smallest mistakes (or none at all)., it's like I have been singled out here as a target for their bullying.

Not a day goes by that I am not being scolded by both of these shitty Indian and Egyptian second officers. And I can't imagine that I had been almost 8 years now as a sailor and this is the first time a person would insult me by saying "Your stupid !" and "Use your brain !". 

Anyway this is the reason why I try to avoid doing work on the bridge in the first place because of this kind of people, and yet Filipino people here are stupid enough to keep pushing me around and persuaded me to work then when it failed , they started taking matters by pressuring me and saying that its "part of the job description". It resulted in me being forced to do work that is not what I signed for,. In any stand point I don’t see the logic of why an O.S. "Riding Crew" should be doing a work that is meant for an A.B. , especially if there is no assurance or guarantee of being promoted anytime soon and on the fact that the contract I signed for definitely states "Ordinary Seaman"

In any case , for the moment I am now experiencing the full brunt of my situation being forced to work on the bridge and up until then that I can find a solution, I am stuck taking all the verbal abuse these shitty Indian 2nd officer can throw at me.