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Sunday, July 15, 2018


March 25, 2018 Sunday

There is not a day here that goes by that I am bombarded by scolding on my co-workers ., From what it looks like , they always annoy me by constantly finding faults on almost anything I do.

Being here is a very big mistake on my career and now I find myself arguing over a very trivial matter on board - Shoreleave.

I have been a sailor for almost 8 years now and this is the only one on those years that I find myself arguing over a trivial matter which is shore leave. Back then on my previous company ., the management there always encourages people to go on shore leave every time their ship berths, - BUT HERE it looks like that they're detaining crew here as much as they can. 

On the morning , I saw a memo laying around on the crew mess saying that those who wanted to go to shore leave in south korea can write their names for "Scheduling" and is subject for  approval from HOD. Without haste I wrote my name for the list, thinking it would be no big deal about it. Later in the afternoon while I was in the locker ., BOSUN "Jerrymine" gave me a lecture that next time before I write my name on the list., that I should ask permission first from him. I replied that if going on shore leave is such a big deal then I could simply erased my name , and it won't be a problem anymore. 

For some reason , BOSUN "Jerrymine" sensed my dismay and annoyance over the shore leave issue and said that I couldn't just simply write my name off. It was a bit long conversation just to tell him that I'm pulling out my name in the list.  Conversation went anyway that my name wasn’t retracted.

Despite that my shore leave request will push thru in south korea., I had already lost interest and the only reason why I'm just riding this was just to avoid any more trouble and making it more complicated. Whether or not my shore leave request will push thru doesn’t matter ., I just lost interest over it and dismayed that a simple shore leave here would be such big trouble.

A few days went by and I didn’t even bother to sign the shore leave request ., and kept persuading BOSUN "Jerry mine" to drop my name on the list and kept making excuses on how to pull out my name. I signed the paper later on just for sake of avoiding more escalating trouble or my dismay with Bosun "jerry mine" and the working policies here.

Something tells me on the back of my mind that my upcoming shore leave will be very miserable and be just better off sleeping on my cabin instead.