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Monday, October 1, 2012


Only got two possible end scenario's over this TRANSCOM agenda. In either way I had no ill feelings over this and all I want is the money . I want it so bad ,I could taste it. I'm just being practical about this.

FAILED THE PRODUCT TRAINING PHASE AND "NESTING" PHASE - I get my salary and back pay. use the money to buy BhutBhut's pet cage (cat needs a new pet cage), pay a few debts to my younger sister , buy a few clothes, shoes  especially a wallet and the rest of the money get folded up on to be use for my next job hunting to another call center. If I'm still lucky maybe I'd use the remaining money for my PRC exam.

PASSED THE PRODUCT TRAINING PHASE AND "NESTING" PHASE - To be honest I haven't thought about this and the intended *mission* for TRANSCOM is just for a month, but here's a rough guess (If ever). get my salary, use the money to buy BhutBhut's pet cage (cat needs a new pet cage), pay a few debts to my younger sister , buy a few clothes, shoes  especially a wallet. Use the money for my licensure exam and simulator seminar. Stay with the company for a minimum 6 month and get promoted to either SME position, QA (though unlikely) or even perhaps a Trainer or Level 2 support for ops. Use the money to accumulate as much as possible to buy supplies and equipment and money needed for my sailing job - in order for me to "reboot" this dying job I left behind.

Frankly there are a lot of opportunities if I passed rather than not , but the overall reason is that I need the money to finance a my "long term projects" and that the only question here is how much money I could extract. For now the only thing I could comment about my situation is that "TRANSCOM" campaign is now on it's height and I'm midway in finding out the results of my efforts , only two more weeks and I'd get some answers about what will be the fate of this agenda.

In other issues to what I said earlier , There has been a progress in searching for the price of an SSBT - BRM seminar . I came across a website of a training center and found out that the cost of the seminar is not as pricy as what I though earlier , I cant recall exactly if it was "NEW SIM" training center or "MARITECH" training center that offers SSBT - BRM simulator courses with a 8500 PHP price tag. That price tag is not bad at all considering that some training centers out here charge for as much as 15000 PHP to 25000 PHP , In other words they offer half of the price with the same kind of Training environment . (5 days training plus assessment simulator exercise).

 Only problem for me now is how the hell could I raise that kind of money ? And if I do how long would it take me to generate that kind of money ?

Speaking of money …..

I already go my salary last September 28 and boy I'm so relieved while getting it, the pay wasn't that bad at all and was pretty generous . I was paid 9200 PHP for a single cut out pay of work done for ten days, what's more to my excitement was the appearance of my ATM card when I got it. (pictured above is the actual ATM Card issued to me and to the rest of the wave) , My expectations were just an orange card from union bank and yet as it turns out it’s a customized blue card with a company logo in it. I had worked previously with a couple of call centers before and none of them gave a customized card , they just usually issue a standard card and that’s about it , but here in TRANSCOM I could smile a bit on the efforts they do to please their employee's

Since it’s a salary day , My co-trainees and I , together with our instructor "Norman" went to a local fast food and ate together during break time and the only person who didn't come along was "Mico".  At the fast food "Mars" was telling to "Norman" on how bizarre "Mico" acts , saying that "Mico" is somewhat jealous on her looks.

I was with "Dustin" , "Jason" and "Erich" on the table listening to their stories, Apparently from what I heard "Dustin" tells about "Convergys" weird Monopoly cafeteria on their working spaces , while "erich" tells about why he ended up in the call center.

We went back to TRANSCOM at around 4am.

Training session wasn’t that quite hard and was not that hectic and Norman isn't that pressured to cram as much information on our heads. After the work , it was decided by some of the group to go to a drinking session near LIBIS. "CJ" was the one who suggested it , along with "BADONG" . So we went to the bar at LIBIS. The funny thing about this drinking session at the bar was that it is not done during nighttime but done in daytime like morning hours 8 am to 10 am.

There was me , "Jason", "Mark", "Chard" , "Rose", "McVin" , "Mars", "Gwen" , "RENE", "DAN", "Badong" and of course "CJ" . We hanged out there in the bar for a couple of hours and drank a few beers , After an hour it was very obvious that "CJ" and "Badong"  were already pig drunk as they were very talkative in manner.  "Rene" was the first one to leave the drinking session , then followed by "Rose" , "McVIN" , "Mars" and "Gwen" .  There were only seven of us left and we stayed there for 30 minutes more before finally calling it a *day* , "DAN" , me , "Jason" and "mark" rode a taxi then dropped me off in a jeepney station which heads towards Cubao ,along with me are  "jason" and "mark".

 We took a jeepney and during our transit, "mark" vomited inside the jeep which created a minor  scene among the passengers - fortunately though we were already at cubao area then. "Mark" was all messed up and drunk , literary covered with vomit from his shirt all the way down to his shoes. There was a nice lady there about her 40's or 50's who helped and gave us a medicine to deal with "Mark's" dizziness problem from alcohol.

We immediately went to the comfort room of farmer's mall , so that "mark" can clean up . I gave "Mark" my spare polo shirt inside my bag , as a replacement on his T-shirt since it was badly wet with vomit and "Mark" could wear it at all, A few minutes later "mark" emerged out of the comfort room and all cleaned up.  Since "jason" and "mark" are heading a different direction on their way home , I left then and boarded a jeepney going to marikina, But before I left the two I asked "mark" if he can handle himself on his way home , "mark" replied that there's nothing to worry about.

When I arrived at marikina, I took a detour and decided to buy a new and shiny pet cage for my pet cat "Batman" before going home.

 Anyway I would like also to thank the "Unknown" lady who helped up on "mark's" problem and gave us a medicine , Despite being a total strangers and have no obligation or liability to help us out whatsoever , she still managed to give her best in helping people she didn't even knew. I'm surprised as well that a stranger was helping us, since I have a negative image on how a Filipino is and how we treat each other. Again I would like to thank the "Unknown Lady" who helped us , thanking her may not mean much but it’s the least I could do and that not all Filipino's are grievous to each other, A lot of Filipino's are- but not all .