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Tuesday, October 2, 2012


When we started this training phase there was 21 of us, but now the numbers have already been trimmed to13 and I bet it will go down more by the end of our training phase. For now the most of the trainee's , I think will hold out and go past beyond the training phase. On my situation which is barely hanging on the 79 percent threshold when it comes to computerized quizzes , I'm still needing a point more to get passing mark and I'm now taking preventative steps to ensure that I make it to the 80 percent passing mark - such as cheating.

Eventually my low overall score caught the attention of "Norman" and I received a email "Memo" from him before lunch break , indicating my situation. I'm fully aware of what will be the consequences about it and I do known how will I end up if I don’t shape up, that’s why I'm doing ever efforts in ensuring that it doesn't happen to that - at least for now.

One such effort I'm doing is copying some answers on seatmates preferably either from "Erich" , "Mico" or from "jason" . Sometimes I go and take a peek at "Marks" or "Rene" answers in their computers. Believe it or now this has incredibly boosted my score from 73 percent (overall score by the time the memo was emailed) to 79 percent . I'd try to keep this tactic in order for me to get the Threshold 80 percent and maintain it.

Don’t get me wrong , I've already perceived that this "Mission" is just only intended originally to be four weeks and its just to get money from TRANSCOM and having at least 16000 PHP in my pocket plus back pay money is quite enough to finance my other agenda's related to maritime. However I figured if I stayed longer , it could mean that I would be digging in for more money at TRANSCOM and having beyond 16k worth of money is much better.

 To simply say it, My mission objective's have been altered a bit and I'm interested now in further extending my stay here in TRANSCOM for at least another five weeks to make preparations and draw money - It doesn't matter what decision or course of actions will I take to achieve it , as long as I get the satisfactory results. THE END RESULT JUSTIFIES THE MEANS… It never matter to me if I pass or fail the training phase as long as I get the money and the main reason why I'm putting extra efforts is purely financially motivated reasons

In other news ….

Most of us were confused to see a memo posted in "KB" (short term for "knowledge base" software tool , a program we use as a reference to this account) indicating that CS&B department will now have a 24 /7 business hours, which meant that the work here will be rotational and some call center agents will be placed in either the morning or night shift randomly - simply saying more workload for us.  Were confused in the sense that according to our perceived knowledge our job only indicates a job shift of around 3pm to 3am shift and not beyond it.  "Erich" asked "Norman" about this and he replied that TRANSCOM or "Talktalk" wants their service to widen to UK customers, Yeah good for them and bad for us because it instantly means always queuing on the phone line.

During lunch break , I accidentally saw "E.Chavez" sitting in table next to my table . I approached her and shared a few gossips with her and what's the latest news going on around her after I last saw her in ICT Call center company (precursor company of the Notorious "SKYES" company). From what I heard , she's been quite a while in the BPO and has been bouncing from one company to another , from what I recall it's at least been 5 years since I last saw her and told her that after I was through with ICT , I went to TELETECH and after which I later joined becoming a sailor and went back here in the BPO again.  She added that so far TRANSCOM company is an OK company compared to the previous companies she's hanged out.

 Another gossip I heard from "E.Chavez" was that "S.Nava's" Grand mother recently passed away,  I told her that I don't know any new lately from "S.Nava" and that I haven't been in touch for more than ten years , so I had little or not information at all at "S.Nava" .

Before "E.Chavez" left the table and went to work , she gave me a chocolate bar , she had on her pocket and said "welcome to TRANSCOM"

After the lunch break I saw "Rose" fiddling with a some sort of card at the training room , I approached her and saw a little green card and asked what's the card for. She replied " Don’t you know what's this is for ? - Its our Health card , an insurance kind of card and you can claim it at the clinic room in the fourth floor" . "Rose" really has an eye when I comes to finding certain objects and I hurriedly went on the floor to get mine , and when I arrived there I saw "Dustin" , "Mark" and "Jason" also claiming their respected Health Insurance cards also.  (The health insurance card is pictured above)