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Saturday, March 8, 2014


JANUARY 18, 2014 Saturday

After a successful dry dock operations in Varna Bulgaria, this ship is headed off again picking up cargo in the Baltic area. For the moment the next destination will be somewhere in Ukraine and its a ship to ship loading operations probably on the same size with this ship.

Now that Christmas and new year has come to pass along with the dry dock operations as well , the big question now is when am I going home ??? . For now the only answer to could come up with is  just plain horse shit rumours coming from 2nd officer Renan olis oveda "bastard-o" , rumours that are just obviously his paranoid delusion grandeur. Anyway for the information of all. Apparently his delusions of disembarking as early as February on this ship has already reached record high , worst part is that its just all in his head and there is no proof notices whatsoever coming from CSM about the crew change. In other words , were stuck here until further notice.

For the moment before this ship arrives, my work is consisting of just cleaning inside the accommodation area and putting back equipment here and there - nothing special and just the regular maintenance work typically done here onboard.


Should have known from my gut that Sundays rest off are cancelled yet again, For some reason the new chief mate is getting a nasty habit of putting the people on the working thread mill on weekends, Ignoring the typical modus operandi here in cape tallin that weekends are off work. Honestly i find it quiet unnecessary that were still out here doing work and all , i mean all the crew are still basically tired from the previous operation of dry docking this ship and haven't recovered yet from the rigors of fatigue. Can't they give us at least a break ? At least a day of rest ??? How can the chief mate be so ignorant about the basic needs of people here ? They should have at least considered that fact an be humane. For a Russian this new chief mate is doing a good job being cruel to his crew, and i don't like it.

As usual we were doing the regular maintenance work of putting back all the equipment on its storage for the whole day.

Late in the afternoon this ship arrived in Ukraine, and dropped off anchors in the anchorage area. The difference was that the type of procedure that the anchors will be dropped by will be via "Gravity" type meaning its not assisted by a winch. O.S. Del Monte is the one who dropped the anchors this time on the starboard since he has a better handling when it comes to gravity type drop rather than me. My only role there was to count the number of shackles that was dropped (which by the way is 7 shackles)

Early at night , O.S. Del Monte knocked to my cabin door and said that new equipment (as in winter equipment) was being issued now and I must go to the smoking room to get them. So what did i get ??? A new pair of winter coveralls that looks more like a gardeners coverall (you know the one being worn by "super Mario" mascot in Nintendo), plus an orange coloured ordinary coverall , a winter bonnet and a pair also of winter gloves, not bad eh ???  Some of  my co-workers are joking that i might put it on my luggage when i go home, but i assured then that i have no intention of bringing this equipment along with me. It stays here and i will leave it here (except for the orange coverall, which i plan to modify when i get back home)

JANUARY 20th, 2014 Monday

Still feeling tired and fatigued from yesterdays work , Honestly i still think that yesterday should have been a rest day.

For the moment rumours are still spreading that there's a possibility that , our batch might disembark on turkey, on our way back to be specific after this loading situation in Ukraine . I don't mind at all if that was the case , but the problem is it appears to be just a paranoid delusion of 2nd officer Renan "bastard-O" and there is no substantial proof yet showing any memo regarding on the crew change , whether in the ships email (via MS outlook) nor via paper notice.

Sweet as it may sound that I'd be going home soon enough after this loading operation cargo in Ukraine however relaying on somebody else word is a bad choice here , as i do know very well that people here have no sense  "word of honour" and its a poor choice taking their word for it. I'd hold my judgement yet until i get a paper notice about a crew change - for now i could only dismiss the rumours as a wild bitchy ass paranoid delusion of 2nd officer "bastard-O".

That asshole is so eager to get home he disregards logic and fact , first before he makes statements - we need a written proof of "crew change" list  otherwise "bastard-o" is just horse shitting people here.

Late at night , even though i wasn't in the mood playing multiplayer "Far Cry2"i decided to accept Chief Cook's invitation to play the game , after all according to him  he said that were going to play in inside our cabins and their just going to bring out the modem somewhere near the alley way on B deck (the deck were all rating cabins are located).

JANUARY 21st, 2014 Tuesday

The whole day work was only spent on scrubbing the deck area with chemical known as "Sea care" on 6th wings and 5 wings deck area. I was holding the water hose and was basically rinsing the washings. By the way i did found out one thing , that a raincoat has more practical uses during winter time, this time i used the raincoat as a form "Thermal insulation" (given that raincoats are made of some form of rubber) and it worked perfectly fine , as in no problems at all.

At dinner time, O.S. Del Monte and Mess man Ferdinand had a nasty conversation which eventually led to Mess man Ferdinand challenging O.S. Del Monte into a brawl. Good thing that O.S. Del Monte isn't going to back down on this one and that stood up against Ferdinand. I applaud what Del Monte did and its about time somebody teaches this mess man a lesson on manners.