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Saturday, March 8, 2014


February 24, 2014 Monday

" there's a saying that a commander shouldn't leave his soldier even if he lies wounded, half dead , his arms torn off and his sockets and intestines spilling on the mud and being eaten by the birds. However this isn't the military and these Filipino Sailor's do not live on the code of honour "

Ship will be heading back now in Istanbul turkey and head out away from the Baltic area, For the moment it will be on standby near Istanbul, Turkey and await further instruction from the traffic on when will be the time of channelling. For the moment this ship is just drifting nearby the channelling area ( not anchored as earlier thought) and it arrived at around 7pm late at night, probably because its waiting for a schedule on the pilot to arrive.

During the night, i was invited for a drink on A.B. Mallorca's cabin , I didn't turned down the invitation and heard a few rumours about some crew. There was fitter Sano, Oiler Rogel and Pump man liscano in A.B. Mallorca's cabin sharing a drink as well.

From what i heard, A.B. Mallorca is still bitter about the fiasco that three of us were left behind in a US domestic airport  before our joining here in Cape Tallin, saying that 2nd officer "Bastard - O" Renan and "Bull Frog" Amican left their own co-workers to save their own skin and didn't even bother to check out who's missing or not - not exactly what a leader should do in the first place, there's a saying that a commander shouldn't leave his soldier even if he lies wounded , his arms torn off and his sockets and intestines spilling on the mud and being eaten by the birds. However this isn't the military and these Filipino Sailor's do not live on the code of honour 

Another rumour Mallorca added was about 2nd officer "Bastard - O" most recent incident on his previous ship before cape tallin. Apparently from what i heard from his was there was this incident were "Bastard - O" nearly got beaten up by the chief mate. Homer didn't state it very clearly on what was the reason why "bastard - O's "  former Chief mate wanted to beat the shit out of this Dick suckers ass but i could surmise that 2nd officer "Bastard - O" rude ill mannered, unprofessional attitude has something to do with it.  I could only come up with that conclusion based on what i had seen on him and observing based on the known facts,

Anyway I do hope someday he'd get stabbed to death by someone and I'm not going to be surprised one day if that happens. I'm very thrilled if that would materialize one day that someone would teach him a hard lesson. Sadly reality says that if the happens I'm not going to be around to see it.

In the afternoon the a pilot boarded this ship and channelling out of the Baltic resumed, it was only a short 1 hour transit and the weather wasn't that good as expected - a bit of rain showers every now and then. During the transit Me and O.S. Jermon Del Monte was busy taking pictures on the surrounding area, when i heard on the radio 2nd Officer's "Bastard - O" Voice contacting BOSUN "Bull Frog"Amican saying that he can't contact the other deck personnel who has the radio (Referring to me) and he's been contacting it for a long time.

Apparently i didn't heard "bastard - O" yelping over the radio earlier and by the time i answered back , This cock sucker let out a lot of offensive words on the radio - in PUBLIC   AND EVERYONE COULD HEAR. Anyway I just ignored on what he said on the radio and never even bothered by it , after all he's not going to be my problem anymore and the next crew will be the one who will dealt with him. The pilot soon disembark after the radio incident.

Going back the radio was taken away from me and was given to O.S. Del Monte, Unofficially I'm relieved about it as there are no more any unnecessary disturbances on work.

Late at night we anchored off somewhere yet again, I'm not sure what's the name of the place what. I'm very much sure that the reason why we anchored here was that were waiting for another pilot to come by on a transit.

During a day of waiting, My work on the maintenance was helping out "Bull Frog" Amican (along with O.S. Del Monte) in changing the wires on the forward mast and greasing a few wires on the gangway ladder.

While at the anchorage

Cash Advance , always thrilled to hear those words here on this ship. This simply means it "pay day" and i get to choose what amount they can give me. For now the money i selected was 800 U.S.D. And drained my credits there till the only thing left was about 45 dollars on the pay out . That's fine with me that the only left credits I got will be just 45 Dollars, that's the only thing I'd be claiming on my onboard pay when i visit career shipping , 24 hours after i reached the Philippines (aside from the leave pay). I'm more comfortable having my money on my own hands  and near me rather than some company handling it. For the record my money on my wallet now is 1200 U.S.D. Excluding a few Bulgarian leva currency and a few small U.S. Dollar bills that i haven't counted yet.

In other news

 if expecting a pilot , safety harness, heaving line and pilot ladder long with life jacket is prepared near at the gangway entry

According to what i heard this ship's arrival in spain will be on Monday and no word yet on the crew change since it was cancelled off in turkey, only best hope is that Career shipping and CSM would cook up with something to get us out of here.

For the work i was busy helping out fitter sano on removing some metal on the trash bins . Was an easy job and old school - just assist him and put all the trash away and that's .

At about 8am in the morning the following day, before the work starts we were told that the pilot would arrived and so we heaved up the anchor and prepared the pilot ladder . The pilot came and had this ship on channelling for three hours and before the pilot disembark a small pilot boat came nearby to delivery three boxes of smoke's . From what i saw its Marlboro, LM and a new one Dunhill.