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Thursday, April 26, 2018


Entry log : December 04, 2017 Monday
Location : Ras Laffan Qatar

A few more days and I will be going now for a month here., and the ship has now berthed to Rass Raffan Qatar after almost a two week long travel.  Mooring wasn't that complicated, this LNG ship uses Rope for the mooring and all of them are dedicated for headline , breast line and spring lines. Absolutely no loose ropes for the mooring ops. The mooring is so easy even for liquid tanker standards.

Currently I'm assigned for the gangway and was surprised that handling it was more complicated than I thought it would be.

First off people have are obsessed on details even down to the minute. I can't imagine that (Filipino) crew here pressures to remember even names of the person who visited the ship and on top of that I have to even memorize how many tags are there currently on the ISPS box. ( Which is 15 visitor tags, and another 15 contractor tags). People here are so exaggeratedly on almost everything and if even I miss a small detail, I have to go the trouble of arguing and even explaining it - plus to make it more complicated is the fact that my fellow crew men here have a nasty habit of finding out whose fault it was and blaming it to other people rather than solving the problem head on. Such example was early morning when I immediately greeted with scolding by A.B. Patel, over a small lapse on visitors tags. And it only takes 3 tags for that fucker to be fired up like i made a mortal sin in writing it mistakenly on the Visitors log. It's no big deal for me but for them it's like someday is going to end the world.

Another thing that happened is the 3cm errors I made in reading the ships alignment on the shore side ., The officer's freaked out on my reading and even some of co-workers during the ship that they had to frequently lecture me about it . Unbelievable !!! It's just 3 cm and a person's thumb is even bigger than that gap measurement and yet they react that it's as big as a whale.

Anyway it's easier for them to blame the fault on other people , just to save their own skin from being fired. After all the System here doesn't tolerate even the smallest mistake and its takes only that to be fired instantly without fair judgment. Workers here work because of fear , not for money or for a comfortable environment, but because they're scared of being fired and it’s a very poor motivation.  

I'm ashamed that my fellow Filipino sailors here have degenerated so low. Rather than making a positive and welcoming environment for new crew , they end up dumping their own work problems to the new guys. Plus taking advantage of it. Such an unnatural perfectionist people ! Really pathetic ! And I'm not surprised that most of their younger crew fled out on this company because of this kind of working environment. Their work ethics and work practices are like the seafarers of the old ., Its amazing that despite the modernist of today's era in seafaring like the millennia's generation (and entire generation of seafarers that are exposed to social media etc.) ., there still exist a dark spot and it is UPL - Shell / Nakilat .