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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Entry log : November 28, 2017 Tuesday
Location : Enroute to Qatar

Work Schedule and practices here in this (and probably in Whole shell management) is in polite term , to be "demanding and difficult" even for a liquid tanker crew myself. Practically all days here are "Mondays" - which meant for me to be working Sundays till Saturdays, and to add weekdays have extended working hours which is starts 7:30 am and ends at 6:00 pm. On Saturdays it’s the 7:30 am till 5:00pm which is very much the same as weekdays and on Sunday's it half a day work (7.30 am to 12 noon).

I am still up to now adjusting to this kind of Work practices, Its surprising that this LNG ship has this kind of demanding work schedule , even though work here is quiet light for liquid tanker standards. Anyway there isn't much to expect , and it's only natural to assume that work here will be demanding given that the principal is the infamous Shell.

Frankly i don't really mind on the work schedule, and liquid tankers do have these  kinds of situation every now and then but the part that tick me off was the company policy here that forbids use of any tools that a crew brought along for work. To simply say all the stuff that I had on luggage , is unusable (that means my work belt and everything in it). According to them any use of "unofficial" equipment is deemed "unsafe"

When I found out I immediately lost interest in working with UPL - Shell / Nakilat and in general even staying to the company because of the so many rules / and       so many prohibition that I find it, too inconvenient and uncomfortable to work. It's just hard to professionally grow on this kind of company with so many Do's and Don'ts . Too much trouble for the effort and it better take my chances on other companies than this .

Another thing that annoys me on their work practices is this so called "P.I" system (which is called positive intervention)which is an anonymous reporting system. May sound cool , but for a typical seaman's point of view - it's nothing more than just a basic crackdown on crew like a secret police. Anyone who gets reported on the P.I. system gets punished heavily and worse summarily dismissed (sent home / fired ) because of questionable "unsafe" working practices. You don’t know basically who will play Judas on any of your crew members and betray you and a helpless crew member won't know until he gets tagged by the P.I. system. If someone is just simply unhappy on how you work , they simply file a "P.I" and find dirt on your work and tag it as "unsafe" working practice and that's the end of it.  

The scariest part of it is that its company sponsored and they encourage crew members to report often on P.I. system and they will give a reward of a bunch of chocolate bars to the person who reported it. In fact the main fleet of shell requires their crew to have a P.I. , Honestly they may be professionally right to practice this to maintain "safety standards" , but if a normal person would analyze if this is morally and ethically right ? It's definitely a big NO . It's not good to pay Judas and betray people and never is , in fact the word betrayal is dismaying as well and do Shell people even think that a person's conscience and ethical moral standards is just worth a few candy bars ??? That's totally sick !!! Its barbaric and draconian , in every sense of it .

Yes it’s a good practice to punish the guilty by the P.I. system , But how about the people who are just simply being bullied or just simply being harassed ? Do they even bother to investigate P.I. reports or even analyze if the P.I. reports were justifiable ? Do they even hear the side of the crew member accused ? , obviously they don't and people get fired on the jobs for petty reasons , because of their obsessive quest, called  "safe" practices. It’s a perfectionist system that makes the work place uncomfortable.

Of course Shell crew never speak about this ., especially Filipino sailors because they're afraid of losing their jobs and be "black listed" . If this was a law enforcement system , I would say that it is unfair and unjust and not fit for the modern world . However since this is the seafaring , where there is no true sense of justice like in land , companies and people can get away with this.

I'm glad that my contract here is just only six months , and I can freely publish this blog after that without any restrictions.