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Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Entry log : November 22, 2017 Wednesday
Location : Enroute to Singapore

Due to work politics / policies here onboard, my "Side arm tool" is prohibited from being used. This setback adds more on my discomfort in working with UPL - Shell / Nakilat, on the fact that I had been using that equipment since I time and memoria when I became a seafarer few years back (since I was deck cadet way back 2010). Now that equipment will just on the corner of my cabin collecting dust for the rest of my contract - all because of tougher exaggerated "safety policies" here.  For now I'm stuck and left only with my wits on working here.

On this unfortunate events, I am now conducting research on some spy / stealth gadget equipment's which make me be able to use a small compact version of my tools and at the same time maintain concealment. I haven't thought of any suitable gear yet but its certain that I'd invest my time and effort in building one.

Latest news that came in is that there is an incident in the morning involving the Bosun and the "Algerian" Chiefmate. They had a big argument on the tool box meeting in the morning and even resulted to the bosun calling in the captain in order to resolve the dispute. Their argument was huge and I could only just stood silently and be amaze on how the exchange heated words,

Apparently based on the what I heard in the argument, the chief mate is complaining that the last time he visited the workplace he couldn't see people around and hinted that some crew might had took off and hid from work. Of course this has led to a heated misunderstanding as Bosun tells him that nobody ditched work and everybody was busy doing their job. The scene was spectacular seeing these two argue and when the captain came they were still arguing.   

In reality the Algerian chief mate's accusation was not baseless, Although almost all of the deck crew maybe off doing work , but on my case I was already inside my cabin hiding at around 5.30pm. It's not that I did it willingly , I didn’t saw any people around 5.15 to 5.20 pm so I mistook that they were already inside and went on the accommodation and then hid on the toiler area in the cabin until 5.55pm , I never went outside my cabin until 6.15pm just to make sure that nobody notices me. It was a blessing that this ship was huge that it's hard to keep track of people and took advantage of that situation.

It was already 6.15 and I was going down to the crew mess, then Admin officer "Fao" saw and called me ., he said that I should tell the Bosun to repairs the hinges on the locker room, because he can't sleep on the banging sound every time it opens and threaten that if I don’t he will closet the locker room and prevent access on it . (in other words I can use my standard working equipment). Admin ofiicer "Fao" was being an asshole and total dick just because of a minor issue.