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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Entry log : November 29, 2017 Wednesday
Location : Enroute to Qatar

Disappointments have put me off lately., not with work (well most of it) but to some of my so called "friends" on the social media., Recently I had been posting a lot of negative stuff about my employer UPL Shell / Nakilat and as a result two of my former friends (that what I call them now) has said to me that I should keep my mouth shut because I deserve it and I signed the contract willingly, and have just ignore it or deal with it. Another one also said (an Oiler) that there nothing much I can do about it.

WHAT THE FUCK ?!!!!! Do they even know how difficult it is to work with so many restriction ?! Easy for them to say because they never have been on a tight ass security all their seafaring lives' and they perfectly live on their very own happiness bubble. I'm disappointed on them that they could have been at least sympathetic on this rather than immediately side with Companies., They should have at least put themselves on my shoes. - Totally frustrating that there are people like that, a bunch of cowards and company loving folks.

Anyway were Filipino's seafarer's , it's pretty much normal / typical for a Filipino sailor to be a company booth licker - probably on the fact that most of them are a bunch of cowards when they're already questioning the policies of any shipping companies. The Seafaring world of Filipino's is not exactly democratic even on the social media , almost everything is always suppress., here almost everything is free to criticize except "shipping companies" - which some even consider above the law.

Anyway I don’t want to continue to write about those former unsympathetic friends of mine , I'd just simply drop them off on my friends list and that will be the end of it .

In other news …..

Recently during the tool box meeting this morning , it was a discussion about whether the "Riding Party" this ship has (which includes me) will be used for mooring operations and during cargo ops as well. Based on the latest decision made by the captain .,  The "Riding party" (maintenance party) will not be used during that and only regular crew will be on the mooring. As for the Cargo Operations (ship in port) it is still not yet settled but is rumored that "Riding party" will only do the usual day work maintenance stuff.

Guess it means that as a riding crew I'm permanently stuck being on day work which suit's me fine if not best. I have less things to worry about and besides ., I'm not enjoying my work here as well because of too many restrictions. It's just suffocating for me and from my initial analysis the working environment here is too "rigid" and intolerant for me to professionally grow - resulting for me to lose interest in even pursuing to settle here. I'm not even expecting that my evaluation reports (or grades here) will be that high for re-employment., and I won't bother if that is the case, I just want to finish my contract and have no incidents and be back on the road again to find another suitable company . UPL - Shell / Nakilat is not worth the effort, plain and simple. A Company of tight asses !!!

So most likely I'd be doing chipping rust , polishing metal surfaces and painting plus occasional random maintenance work for the rest of six months. Nothing fancy and nothing labor intensive, the only real challenge will be most likely the rumored "Dry Docking" of this ship which will be labor work intensive.

Another rumor I heard on the treadmill was there's a possibility of a "Riding crew" rotation for the O.S. when it comes to watch keeping. Anyway it's still being considered from what I heard , so it's not confirmed yet. What I do know is that O.S. Hesus Pamorada will be swapping roles on deck watchkeep to O.S. "Jerson" by beginning December. Maybe for these two O.S. will be swapping roles on the best of my knowledge, but on my case I think I'm staying as O.S. for the maintenance and don’t mind staying there for a very good reason.

Why the hell would I be working on the job description that is for an A.B. . As far as I know , UPL - Shell / Nakilat is just short changing people on salaries. Imagine I'm doing a job that is an A.B. Unofficially and yet my salary is base as an O.S. plus on top of that I'm officially an O.S. by papers and contract. My salary is just 1129 U.S. here and I will be forced to do work as an A.B. Compared to back when I was with Career NSB where I'm paid higher (1400 U.S.D.) as an O.S. and don’t even have to do a job as an A.B. . As far as I'm concerned UPL - Shell / Nakilat is just paying me short. If they want me to be interested they should paid me a little bit more for my efforts , otherwise I'd just think that they're just scamming me and cheating on the crew -

(problem with an elderly Filipino sailors is that mostly they swindle on work and deceit their fellow younger sailors , like for example your being paid as an O.S. and yet doing work as an A.B. . The A.B. gets to do almost nothing and yet be paid regular as an A.B. , while the O.S. gets to be forced to do his work because of deception and be only paid in salary scale as an O.S. and not as an A.B. )