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Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Entry log : November 24, 2017 Friday
Location : Enroute to Qatar (bunkering)

A lot of people say that being in Shell company is such a big privilege, good opportunities , stable employment and that people who join that company will most likely stay for the long term. Now that I'm here in this company , I beg to disagree on those statements - maybe its positive if I was a land base employee but if a sailor, It more horror and a nightmare for me.  It too much repressive and subjugation - too many rules , and Don'ts, professionally it's not good for me and I won't professionally grow on that kind of environment.

For now the ship is in Singapore for bunker (refuel) on the day of arrival I was told to be on stand by and await further announcements by the phone at 3pm. As expected the rang two hours earlier and asked me to assist the riding A.B. in rigging the pilot access (this is not present in Liquid tankers). As usual this "Riding A.B." crew keeps bragging that Liquid tankers don’t have these because they lack "safety" . I'm not exactly sure if "A.B." riding crew here is arrogant or ignorant on his statement , I myself used to work from a liquid tanker and safety was never an issue there and we have our own set of safety standards rules. In any case at least liquid tankers are not overkill when it comes to safety compared to UPL Shell / Nakilat were they exaggerate things to the point that they have paranoia.

The pilot boarded a few minutes later, and after that I told by bosun to wait again. Which I did for another hour and received a call . When I got out everyone is already busy doing something on the provisions while I was assigned on the task in the garbage disposal. Work was semi-finished at around 10.30pm I was told by Bosun to rest and wait to 10.30 am

I took a shower and after that immediately the phone ring again and said. I should hurry and go to the manifold area starboard side. Outside I was greeted  instantly to head to the pilot access to escort two crew men from a nearby barge. Inside I was asked by the A.B. on why I wasn’t responding on the phone cabin, I told him that in ever heard the phone cabin ring and if it did I couldn’t hear it on the fact that I was in the bathroom taking a bath . He lashed out saying "In shell, this is what we do things, even if you're in the middle of something - you have to respond immediately, that includes if you're shitting". To avoid trouble I just kept silent and listen to his ramble , but I was definitely ticked off on what he said. Easy for him to say that because I bet he was never on that kind of situation.

Lucky for me I'm not staying in UPL - Shell / Nakilat. This is my first and last contract with them.