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Saturday, April 28, 2018


Entry log : December 18, 2017 Wednesday

There is some good news that arrived

Earlier I was worried that my U.S. Dollar Account wasn't working and that I might be forced to get my salary via cash advance only . Good thing my worries was proved wrong and that my salary was wired transfer to my account which I verified using online banking . Its relieving to hear that my U.S. Dollar bank account is doing fine.

 Latest news on work is that I won't be allowed on shore leave for korea and that I didn’t made it on the criteria and from what I experienced here going on shore leave here is pretty much selected and is subjected for approval.  Subjected for approval ???? What the fuck was that supposed to mean ? I wasn’t a seafarer yesterday and as far as I can remember on my previous ships everyone is allowed to go out as long as time allows it and does not violate any working schedules.,

Life here keeps getting worse as time goes on. They may be technologically advance on some levels but there work practices and how the way they treat their crew is like shit. So anyway that leaves me with zero chance of going out and I have to wait for a month at least to be considered to be allowed on shore leave and it is still yet subject for approval.

As far as I know ., it’s a seafarers rights (and practice) to have a shore leave and this is already an ancient tradition covering hundreds if not a thousand years of seafaring practice.,  ITF has said now that shore leave is a seafarers rights ., the Seamans club and seaman's union in germany says the same as well . However in Shell / Nakilat - this company apparently detains crew and as much as possible refrains crew from taking shore leave. They don’t say this publicly but from their actions its basically just detaining crews in a less obvious manner and method.

Hi tech as it may sound but the thought of someone monitoring your every move on work is a bit stressful ., on this ship every corner has a CCTV to monitor on how crew members work .