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Friday, April 27, 2018


JOURNAL ENTRY DATE : December 7, 2017 Thursday

Although it dangerous to be carrying around electronic items , not because it was a safety hazard - but more of a professional hazard. From what I could tell anyone caught having an electronic device outside the accommodation could lead to summary dismissal from work (fired immediately). Especially the "zero" tolerance policy of Shell / Nakilat and to ensure that everyone follows this , almost the whole part of the ship and working area are littered with CCTV's (closed circuit camera) to ensure complete monitoring at all times.

I'm planning in bring outside a small camera , not exactly the typical digital camera but a smaller version. Fortunately for me I have a Liquid image type action camera which I could use originally as an action camera which can be used to take pictures. It small and portable enough to go almost unnoticed but I have to do first is memorize the control on how to take pictures. And if I goes operational I should avoid the CCTV's while taking pictures

On the early morning during the tool box talk , (some sort of meeting before work). The pilot ladder rigging issue on the pilot access was brought up again, and given with its fault finding culture here Bosun berlix is looking for someone to blame rather than make solutions , the same goes as well on A.B. "wendel" . Algerian Chief mate says that it doesn’t matter who's fault it was but what matters is what will be the solution now that the pilot ladder was discovered broken. I just listening amused (and somewhat pity) on how pathetic my fellow Filipino crew mates react on blaming equipment failure to other people and everyone is giving a lot of excuses on it and not going on solutions.  Really pathetic !!!

Working relations here now are starting to get worse all the time., One such  example is my recent entanglement with my job which unfortunately unable to finish in time. My current work at that time was the simple chipping and polishing of rusted areas, Sounds pretty simple but the problem was that some of the areas were not painted well . Why ? Because most of them were not simply finished - not chipped nor polished with a wire brush - so I simply didn’t paint them. Now I'm being questioned by Bosun Berlix and lectures me, worst part is my co-worker O.S. Pomaran who also working on the same site also joined in lecturing me and even blamed me on the same thing. What the fuck ?!!

People here are such back stabber's and fault blamers. I kept silent on what they were saying but my eyes sent message that I was furious on them and just a vengeance I was ignoring them all the time.

In other news….

The recent crew "safety meeting" introduced us to a new (deficiency reporting) system to nakilat said to be replacing from the old "512" form of shell and P.I. System (preventive intervention system). On the meeting , it describes that this new "inspire" system is just a rehashed more complicated version of "512" and "P.I." , basically its just the same and the only difference is that it only add a comment remark - just the same old deadly version , but different variant. A small piece of note pad paper were people get fired - yes kind of a real world version of "Death Note" (anime)

To tell the "512" system of shell and "P.I." is an anonymous reporting system were employees get fired, almost anyone can report a person whom they find to be performing (or using ) Unsafe equipment or practices. Any person who gets reported , has this note directly forwarded to the principal (meaning shell and not UPL) and will be subjected to summary dismissal for accusations of being "unsafe" . The principal (shell) will not hear to the accused of his statement and be fired immediately.

Honestly what kind of company tolerates this kind of practice were you have to back stab people ? They say according to their propaganda that they value "safety culture" , yes that's a point but do they value they employee's right ? From what looking they just find people to be very expendable - and from my personal opinion this system will not earn the respect of employee's and they will only just work because of the fear and terror factor.

From all the thing that Shell / Nakilat brags about and would be inventing. This so called "insipre" , 512 or P.I. whatever is the most useless of all . Funny that they always brags about having the latest and advance safety equipment and even technologically advance ships but from what im seeing right now , is that they only invented a piece of paper that is not "professionally safe" at all. Whoever invented this is barely passable as a human when it comes to thinking as an inventor. Totally worthless piece of shit  ! And misallocated company funds ! They even bragged that this form is small enough to fit in a pocket to be carried everywhere (which I find totally irrelevant ).

Good thing for me , This is Shell / Nakilat and not the "main fleet' of shell ., were this is mandatory (and they do check , to see the crew complies)

After the said safety meeting., it was still about 15 to 20 minutes left before work is over for the day and I can't believe that we still have to be sent back , as if like Shell / Nakilat is going to lose a lot of corporate money if I just missed out only 15 minutes of work time.