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Sunday, December 29, 2019


Had been doing routine jobs for a couple of days now at the Pump room along with O.S. Dalida. Recently I had been left doing jobs only to assist him after the "incident". I don’t mind tagging along with O.S. dalida up to now as this is the only option available after , as I have been refused to be given job orders from Bosun / Pump man Carnaje a couple of weeks ago. He acted like he's some sort of POEA and harshly dismissed and locked me out in doing work. Out of luck , chief mate "merk" decided that I could get jobs orders directly from him rather than getting it from Pumpman Carnaje.

This is the best solution - for now.

Unfortunately for me , this is just a temporarily solution and that as soon as Chiefmate "merk" will disembark and finishes his contract , I will be left out with the big question on whom will I get "Job Orders" after. (Although as much as I want Chief officer "Merk" to be gone soon, given that he's some sort of close to Pumpman Carnaje and also talks against me behind my back and cannot be trusted. The only reason I'm cooperating with him was because of practicality). So probably the rest of this winter season will be left for me to figure out, the whole 4 to 5 months left. So it’s a big uncertainty for me when we goes out (thought much to my liking).

In other news …

South Korea's weather is close to zero now , and can't go anywhere outside without some sort of protection from the cold weather like a winter jacket or putting on sweater inside before wearing my coveralls. Good thing for me, I always come pretty equip (and in some extent far more equip than the standard issued equipment by the ship / principal)

Work has been , for now been light . I just tagged along with O.S. Dalida in removing water on the bottom floor of the Pump room and aside from that just washing and removing Oil Carbon stains on the aft deck. Lately we just took out the mooring loose rope out of their stowage and just put in the deck area for later use.

Based on what I heard , this ship will be making a discharge operation by exactly new year's day and that by Monday early morning this ship will move to the inner anchorage (and drop anchor there until further notice) and from there will conduct a vetting inspection first. After the vetting inspection finishes, then it heaves up anchor then proceeds directly on the berthing via SBM.

On Sunday , and I was latter informed by A.B. "Chris" that we will go out for work at 1pm. I was in disbelief at first and wanted to verify this information to O.S. Dalida, but to my surprise he too was unaware of this and even asked that if this is true then I should give him a call and inform him immediately . Honestly I was expecting that he should be the one to know this info first and that it was the other way around, anyway I guess it's foolish of me to even depend on other people knowing that they themselves have limitation.

To be blunt, O.S. Dalida is not that reliable as what I initially thought, however despite of this - it's better than nothing or going alone blinded on what to do. O.S. Dalida is still a big help and trustworthy , although not to the point of the "no secrets" category. Basically if I would look at it , my cooperation with O.S. Dalida looks more of like an "alliance"  rather than a treaty of "amity". For now this my situation and have no other choice, I have to figure out a way on how to at least last and make it for the next 5 to 6 months.    

Thursday, December 26, 2019


On the night of Christmas day , a Phone call rang to my cabin when answered , its was O.S. Dalida and he says the he wants to discuss something that he can't discuss with over the phone in regards with the sudden change of behavior of Pump man Carnaje, and something to do with the Filipino chief officer Merk.

At midnight he knocked to my cabin and I let him in. Inside he said he overheard Merk blabber at the dinner table , speaking bisaya furiously (local ethnic dialect in the philippines) that Chief officer Merk was furious over some reports he received that some sort of complaint has reached the main office of OSM regarding the incident about me and Pump man Carnaje and that the report included (or added) 2 O.S. we're allegedly being treated badly (maltreatment). O.S. Dalida added that they suspect me ,that I'm the one behind the said report.

I told O.S. Dalida , that if ever what he overheard was true, I had nothing to do behind it and someone else made the said report. Although it was my plan to make a complaint and report it to the OSM Office later on, I didn’t proceed on it until I can guarantee and have reached the safety of the Philippines, which unfortunately will not happen at least until May 2020 or June 2020 or speaking easily 6 months away at least. I added that I specifically told my sister that no action will be taken until I reached the Philippines in fear that there's a possibility of retribution and revenge will soon be followed while I'm onboard.  At least if I made the report in the Philippines, there's no possibility that retribution can be made on their side.  

Whatever the case and whoever made the report , did not consider that factor and was probably brainless in making one. Assuming what O.S. dalida said was true, it’s a probability that I'm not the only one who has a grudge with them and whoever it is has direct access to the OSM Office. As far as I know , the only person who has a Grudge with Chief mate Merk is the Indian Chief engineer and exactly fits my bill of suspicion, but like I said its only suspicion - nothing solid.

Anyway I told O.S. Dalida, that I'm not the one and whoever it is , its definitely not me, I didn’t further tell him that about the incident merk and the chief engineer had a heated argument which the captain and another chief mate saw publicly . I didn’t tell him for security reasons.

For now, because of this so called report. I'm obviously getting spooked again and will have to take extra measures for my safety, it is apparent that they will target me because of this suspicions. It’s a shame that Filipino's do this to other Filipino's onboard and there's a saying that there is no greater enemy of a Filipino but a Filipino itself. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


As the hours tick by on Christmas eve, December 2019. The familiar dress up photos and Christmas dinner I had been doing yearly commenced, Such celebrations had been tradition for years and some of it have even taken place during times on ships that had I enemies with(or people im at war with) . But as hours went by , it was etched on my face that my situation could not be won.,

It is imminent, that this work "tour" would be a disaster for me later on and that I had to be calm and keep a façade all the time just to avoid any more trouble. Across the workplace, it was always a cat and mouse kind of scenario. Pump man Carnaje would become the cat and I the mouse. Always dodging and avoiding , and if often times unavoidable and no options available - I just simply ignore him as if he wasn’t there. It was always a tense presence whenever he is around.

Aside from having Enemies around., My stay here is complicated on the fact that  working policies here are very limiting and that crew welfare policies is not suitable. For the first time ever I think it will be a possibility that I will go empty handed when I return back to the Philippines. Main culprit to this is there is the "No Cash advance" policy here of any kind.  

Monday, December 23, 2019


Things might have turned for the worse here, (at least work wise) apparently , there's a rumor I heard during breakfast which O.S. Alvin and A.B. Jun are talking about. From what I overheard is that Saturday and Sunday work schedules will be changed., Saturday will be apparently be a whole work while Sunday will be at least half days work schedules. If this rumor will be true then this ship will be rendered to a "every day Monday" schedule., for short working hours will be long and the whole contract will be uncomfortable.

Of course this rumor I heard is still yet to be confirmed and I will find out later within the week if this is the case, If it does , then the next move I should make is what step will I be doing to adapt for it.

A.B. Jun and O.S. Alvin , while hearing this jokingly said that "my rest days will be screwed" . They also added to the joke that there might be "overtime pay" for it. As for me I just kept quiet and hid my thought just inside my head, its safe that way. Just hid in the "shadows"

Personally I dislike the system "every day Monday" work schedules, In fact if I recall correctly this actually violates MLC regulations specifically the part on the clause "every seafarers should have at least one whole day rest" . Besides that , I had a previous experience before on a ship that practices this and it turns out to be a very uncomfortable experience - workwise. As for the fools who think that there will be overtime pay for it , then they should know better that it doesn’t mean that we will be working more, means also that they are also (principal and company) paying more. The fools didn’t realize that the clause and part of the contract that states "Guaranteed Overtime Pay" (G.O.T. for short) , which meant that they could let us work on a certain amount of extend time, Whether that certain amount of time is used up or not , Company will pay for it.  Its very similar to the policy "I'd pay you a little extra for an unlimited amount of overtime work".

Anyway just to avoid disagreements , I shall remain to keep my mouth shut and whatever my thoughts , feeling and opinions on a certain situation, it is best it would just be inside my head and It would be best on this ship that I have to keep my mouth shut at all times., Those fools ! They have no idea on what will happen if the "every day Monday" get established here.

My General impression of this principal get soiled as time goes by ., Their work policies get fouler and fouler each day I stay here , and as far as I'm concerned they have already violated the rules on cash advance. I had been here for more than two months now and going on to three months by January 15th and yet they haven't made any single step or effort to pay onboard wages. On this hardship situations it makes me think that I should have stayed on my previous principal TCC and that I just simply swapped an even worse principal than my previous one.

As far as I'm concerned this is my first and last contract on this so called "Hunter" principal of OSM., I'm better off being in TCC than this, Just finishing this contract and I'm out of here for good.

In other news

Id stop drinking cola for now because caffeine worsen my anxiety
Due to security concerns, and probably my paranoia that someone here on this ship might one day violate my privacy and read this journal, I have now put a password protection to keep it safe. Like I said always that’s my situation right now, I cannot risk my own personal safety especially to the likes of this people onboard., I don’t want to regret that one day I would say to myself "I should have put on a password protected journal" . So for my assurance this section of my journal cannot be accessed without a password from my computer.

In relation to this O.S. Dalida just recently uncovered my "hentai" collection on the hard drive he borrowed from me. For now I have to hide those files for security reasons in fear that they might be used against me , or in my case O.S. dalida might suspect that I'm not exactly trusting him 100 percent. As what I mentioned on my previous post that its dangerous to be too trusting to people here onboard, especially if its known that most if not all of them a bunch of gossipers who leak information every now and themn . 

I had to assure that these files will not be used against me , or be used as ammo by my enemies against me. 

In other news

O.S. Dalida said during his visit on my cabin , that Pump man Carnaje is showing signs of change and based on his observation has become "nicer" . I said to O.S. Dalida that it might just a façade for something. I added that as far as I know a person who's been a dick for the past 20 years will not change overnight. The only possible explanation to his observation are only two possible scenarios.

Scenario one is that he may be planning (or plotting) something big, I cannot tell what is his intention but he may be planning something and for now could not just simply figure it out.

Scenario two is that he may be laying low for a while given that at the moment , the superintendent is here onboard conducting his job, any disturbance or aggression made on his behalf will definitely reflect badly on him ., So to avoid this ,. He decided to be "off the radar" for a while until the superintendent disembarks, after that he's going to resume to his old habits of being a cancer to society  .

One thing I learned in all these years as a Filipino seafarer is that "there can be no action , if there is no cause" ., and that he's sudden change of behavior is no coincidence. There's always an overall reason to it. And lastly the thing I learned as a seafarer is NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN., because if you do - you'd definitely regrets it and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


Things go on naturally ., but for me I'm upset because a series of my plans of the situation did not go well. First and foremost, My plan to make a police blotter and report about the "incident" doesn’t go as I planned to be and sad to say that , making one is impossible right now due to technicalities and probably incompetence on my sisters part. So defending myself or lodging a formal complaint against Pumpman Carnaje on OSM Manila office is now impossible because of Incompetence. I'm not going to go thru the details on why it failed because recalling them and writing it here upsets me a lot, all because my sisters incompetence.

So what's going to happen is when if this issue gets brought up about the incident, at the OSM Manila - I have no way of defending myself or showing proof about Pump man Carnaje's lashing out and physically hitting me .  I would just end up being a sitting duck helpless. Aside from that my complain against him would be rendered useless because I have no proof and it would only show that "I have malicious" intent rather than seeking justice on what happened to me.    

Another setback I had been experiencing lately is my allegiance with O.S. Dalida., it's true that he's somewhat sympathetic on my situation, however despite this , he's apparently reckless on mentioning sensitive topics and details in public even though we already talked that those topics and issues can only be discussed in privacy and closed doors to prevent leakage of information. There is even one occasion that I have to tell him to drop the subject of our discussion because Pump man Carnaje and O.S. Alvin is nearby and might hear our discussion. He's not leaking information but his statements and joke in public would hint and even imply on my intentions and sensitive detail. It’s really a risk .

I do trust him for being sympathetic , but not enough for me to divulge sensitive information that it will put me at risk. So for now I won't mention sensitive details and just stick on the general idea on what he already knows. I've already risked myself too much . 

In other news.

This morning at work I was approached discreetly by O.S. Alvin near the entrance of the upper deck accommodation area and urged that I should apologize to Pump man Carnaje to end it ., I didn’t said a word and kept quiet on what O.S. Alvin is saying and just let him talk. Personally I'm not interested in his urging and suggestion, and it would be best just to keep quiet , and don’t mutter anything , or even answer their questions - aside from that they'd have a hard time figuring out what's inside my head. Its best I speak less just to get me out from harm's way especially to these kind of folks.  I just deflected and avoided his urging and simply changed the matter of subject we were talking.

For me it’s a foolish decision to make an apology, and apologies for what ? For him giving me insults , intimidations , bullying and harassment ?? I don’t think I should apologizes on that for that matter for just simply standing up on his bullying and harassment, I stood up and even got Physically harmed in the process by smacking my head. So if Alvin thinks I'm the one who should be giving an apology to Pumpman Carnaje , then he's gravely mistaken. I'd rather spent the days of my contract not speaking and ignoring him rather than bow down to his ego, it would only make me weak and not only that a laughing stock on my cause.

Peace is always ideal for a good working relation on the during of this contract, However if peace means being a "booth licker" and bowing down against to what I believe in, then id rather have a divided workplace, it's better that way . As long as I don’t cause trouble or get it a little worse

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Things have calmed down for now , but the question is how long ? As of the moment I have went on to my old tactics of "Isolation" a tactic which I applied way back during my earlier years as a seafarer. A defensive tactic I used during conflict. To say It,  first and foremost this  "Isolation" tactic is a defensive tactic and from the word itself , I have to be isolated as much as possible to any potential aggressor (on my case , Pump man Carnaje). Basically my cabin will be the all in one working space now, Similar to a jail cell in some respect on tactics, or if I put in on my way - a safe zone or fortress.  

Honestly I'm not so sure now if this tactic is 100 percent effective , given that I had used it before on different occasion with a variety of results and used only as a test (and the only actual "conflict" used being way back in 2010 and 2013) . For now I have to implement this yet again because of the ever increased and dangerous threat by Pump man Carnaje. As of the moment on my analysis he won't make any advancing threats , given that two superintendents have boarded this vessel and are conducting their usual audit and work . He's not too stupid to expose himself if the authorities are around , he'd definitely lay low for a couple of days until the superintendents disembarked.  And when they do , this "plague" will once again do wreak havoc onboard like cancer.

During the day , I do my usual work and but always after that , I'm always inside my cabin and never venture outside unless it's absolutely necessary and for a very good reason. Even on coffee breaks , I just basically go back to my cabin and dress up for my next work, never taking a break even if I wanted to because of security risk. As a matter of fact the only instance I'm outside my cabin is on work , and doing my laundry , and of course during meal time. I'm not outside longer than just a few minutes for security. Aside from that to prevent any leaked of information, I have to be really careful on which words I speak and choose my words extra carefully ., because I never knew who exactly are my enemies (aside from Pump man Carnaje).  I can't be careless especially during this time , one wrong move could be my last and will result into another nasty confrontation.

I suspect that my enemies here are not only limited to one person. I suspect the Filipino chief mate , deck cadet and practically more than half of the entire deck crew.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


It's been several days past since the "incident" happened and most of the deck crew (or the entire deck crew) think I'm the bad guy. In fact the treatment I had been receiving had changed overnight , that people here look at me with utter hostility., I don’t blame them nor even had malaise on why they had to treat me differently, I had already expected this to happened when I started my hostilities with Pump man Romy Carnaje.

I did what I had to do just to show that I cannot be bullied or harassed onboard., even if it results in me being Physically hit and being framed as the bad guy. After all that's Pump man Romy Carnaje's specialty - full of foul poisonous words , typical of Filipino seafarer's of the old .

The only guy on my side at the moment is O.S. Gener Dalida , who is somehow sympathetic to my cause , but sometimes he acts very erratic and cunning that I sometimes wonder and doubt on what side he is. For the safe bet and my safety I have to withhold some information, until I can really determine on which side he is. For now I also need to be very careful on my words,  I cannot afford to make any mistake on this situation , too much is at risk, like losing my life, or the thought of being murdered onboard by any one of the crew member especially if Pump man Carnaje keeps bragging behind my back at the crew mess , when I'm not around that he will one day plan to murder me when we get back in the Philippines (death threats).

This death threats really add more paranoia and anxiety to my mental health, knowing full well on how rotten seafarers are especially Filipino seafarers. The paranoia and anxiety I'm experiencing is really severe that I'm solidly believing that someone out there is out to get me. As a result ., I'm just basically confined on my cabin almost all the time ., and are just out when I'm working , going for breakfast , lunch or dinner. Even on coffee breaks I don’t go out for fear of my safety., I just basically sit my ass inside the cabin out of fear. I never even leave my cabin unlocked , it's always lock because of paranoia of sabotage .

The only thing I can solidy trust as of this moment is this journal and my sister who is way back in the Philippines. Anything else is questionable and I simply cannot take that risk , the risk is simply too great. I'd Manage ,

I HAVE TO MANAGE , I don’t plan on dying here and be murdered by some rotten filipino seaman

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


For years I had been following the exploits of a maritime seafarers rights advocate ""Evangeline dela cruz Tobias" . Her bravery and dedication in the advocacy of fighting for Filipino seafarers rights. Sadly it seems that some Filipino seafarers do not  understand at all on her cause and instead prefer that the seafarers welfare be just regressed back to the way it was during the 80's and 70's , were things on that job were horrible and Filipino seafarers back then are mere cut throat criminals (and some "remanants" of those sailors still exist up till today).

As of yesterday December 17, 2019 . Her profile "Vanished" and any other means to locate her in social media have gone cold, she simply erased or deactivated everything. A month before this she said on her social media that "she will be making major changes", and would rather be an "animal rights" activist instead . I'm not exactly figuring out what it was , but I bet her "vanishment" in the social media means that she doesn’t want to be found .

Maybe its best that she disappear and would find an interest on somewhere else., and I can't blame her if it's what she did. The whole maritime seafaring industry is rotten to begin with , and there's a lot of bad people - not awful but really bad people. I understand her despair on her leaving and perhaps that the maritime seafaring industry should be left to self-destruct itself.  Let that sector or community rot for its wickedness, Evil people there are beyond any kind of redemption as far as I can tell and I saw it first-hand. The only difference from them to criminals is that criminals are bounded and sent to prison by Philippine law , compared to seafarers that are just simple sent back to their home country and then goes back again on their assigned ships to wreak havoc and spread torment like cancer.

I do understand very well the frustration "Vangie" encounters in handling Filipino seafarers. And she was really under appreciated by seafarers. I hope that where ever she is she has finally made (and found) peace on that new vocation.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


November 22, 2019

Unexpectedly "Alok" The Indian O.S. was called in the afternoon at the ships office over some reason regarding medical test . It took only a few minutes and went down and he revealed that he would be dismissed summarily because his drug and alcohol test showed signs of possible marijuana intake. The bottom line he told to us that he "will be sent home on next port" .

Immediately the next day , he wasn't even allowed to go to work and was told that he will be just confined on his cabin , kind of like "house arrest". Aside from that , the worst is that rumors immediately started like wild fire, and given the nature of us Filipino's being gossipers who can't keep their mouths shut - fuelled more of the rumor and spread it like a plague. I guess that's worst thing in working onboard a ship - utter no privacy of any kind whatsoever.

Whether or not the rumors are true , I think it’s a person's privacy and nobody has a right to gossip against him and spread the rumor like wild fire - but I guess this is the environment here as a seafarer , people here are always treated unfairly and it would be foolish to let your guard down and discuss personal information or even personal details (especially on personal matters) knowing full well what kind of people we work here.

I writing about this because , It's not right to treat a person that way. The companies action was very swift and brutal and without any fair judgment, and the reaction of us Filipino's against that person was equally so, it's not fair to spread and make gossips about him, this is something I really despise to my own kind and on this job , people here have utter no good manners and I wonder if this people have a sense of humanity with them,.

Poor guy was confined on his quarters for the whole week before he was sent home. He disembarked in fujirah , UAE.

In other news..

Now that the old captain has disembarked (along with the indian O.S.)and replaced by the new Russian one . Things here have started to get lax, No more of restraining ourselves on not drinking juice in the ref , nor going to the crew late on dinner time etc. We can now easily do our job better when he's no longer around - good riddance !!!

Back when he was still around here, things were tense and we have to be careful and meticulous on about almost everything we do. Even had to watch  breakfast, lunch or dinner because he always monitors us and see how much food we end up eating. The way he acts feels more like he's the human version of a CCTV camera - very control freak kind of individual. He even take's coffee break at the same time as our coffee break , just to monitor people. (and using it as a ruse). It’s a good thing that one of the crew here (pump man) have already sailed with him before and warned us about the old captains deception.  He was basically a general threat here.

Now that he's gone and disembarked in fuijrah UAE. All of the crew won't have to worry about him anymore being a pest 

Friday, November 22, 2019


November 14, 2019 Thursday GATHERING STORM

This ship is a bit odd compared to some of the ships I had worked with in the past when it comes to design. First off and most important is that this ships pipe lines has no Fresh water pipe line on the deck whatsoever. So no fresh water means that working on the deck area will be difficult during summer time / desert area for me, if temperatures rise above 31 plus and up . No fresh water source means I have to carry my own separate water to cool (and splash) myself with and have to go all the way back to the accommodation area  just to refill water bottles I use to splash myself. ( For now this is not a problem since its winter time , But it will once summer time arrives or if this ship goes to the middle east) 

Another problem having a no "fresh water" line in the deck, Means basically deck washing is practically nonexistent or if we were to work with something that is related to using fresh water like cleaning the deck , we will be forced to carry buckets of water (and a mop) for the job instead of just doing the much simple version of hooking up a water hose and washing everything up.

I myself is not sure on how will they wash the whole deck area without a fresh water source nearby. I don’t supposed they'd be using sea water to wash and clean everything up in the deck.

(difference of using fresh water and sea water in the deck is that , fresh water is less corrosive to metal compared to seawater, less corrosion means less rust, and less rust means less maintenance).

To add another weirdness in ship design aside from the lack of fresh water pipeline., is that the crew and officers mess are joined ., I mean only a single mess hall for all the crew (officers and ratings). Heck there's not even a "divider" or at least a curtain to separate the eating area of the officers and the ships ratings and have some privacy, I have no idea why the Koreans designed this ship this way. Resulting that I always have trouble eating because I get conscious that someone might be watching me while having a chow.

Adding more to the oddness is also the laundry area., Apparently washing machines here are basically a dryer as well., Two in one machines ., Good for home use and lack of space but not so good for industrial and work use. Takes eons before getting my laundry washed and dried up and another eon getting past the long line of clothes that needed to be washed.

Another oddity of this ship is the "working organization"., There is no Bosun (Foreman) here whatsoever and the person whom we should be getting job orders are coming from the pump man. So to put it simply the pump man here is also the de facto Foreman (although in contract and SMS it only states that he's simply a "PUMP MAN" )., Normally in large ships Pump man and Bosun Job Positions are independent and separate, I'm not sure on why the company cut corners on the organizational job structure just to save money. Whatever the reasons behind this , We have a Pump man who also works as a Bosun in a VLCC ship. So as a result , working in the deck is unorganized and with basically no one to keep us in line and check our work . We just basically work on the best we could on a given job order on how to accomplish it, and usually work is unpolished.

In other matters…..

Much has happened on the past few weeks and there is so many topics I have to write on this journal . This ship went by on Singapore , and had a USCG (United States Coast Guard) Inspection there , and pass as expected probably because this is ship is just a week old. During the stay also , we received some provisions along with some equipment.

It was basically a big hassle to lower the gangway accommodation ladder on this ship in the last minute, when we were already proceeding to anchorage area in Singapore., Apparently some of my co-workers here have no idea on how to work under pressure and to make matters worse is that Pump man was yapping his mouth all the time ., we did manage to finish the job , Somehow , but it took us a lot of time before we got things moving again.

During the inspection I was unwilling turned a center of attention when I was the only person who wore a harness and climbed to secure the life boat on the strapping. Personally I never liked being the center of attention and being looked by the whole crew and USCG inspectors while doing my job.  I feel unrelaxed

A few days later , trouble and problems have already started in this ship , apparently the engine crew have started hoarding and taking all the gear and equipment meant for the deck., and stocking it on their "store" ., which in turn left us nothing but almost zero tools and equipment to work with. Pump man was yapping with his mouth as usual about this incident, but did no further action to prevent the "hoarding and ransacking" of equipment by the engine crew. Bottom line is that working in the deck area would be difficult than expected because of the lack of tools.

The only equipment left by the engine crew was , some equipment they didn’t like (TAKE NOTE "LIKED" , DIDN’T Say "NEEDED")., Practically they took almost everything. 

(Apparently this ship's design was meant to have a single common store of equipment for both deck and engine crew, compared to other ships were equipment stores for deck and engine crew area separate) .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Mornings in Korea , are quiet and peaceful especially during winter time. 

Morning at ., we were already ready and our bags and luggage's are already outside at the hotel waiting for the bus to pick us up. As with the ships terminal regulations , we were all dressed up in coveralls ready to board the ship. The bus came on time to pick us up and immediately we get out luggage's and stacked them up on the bus

When we arrived in front of the ship , it was still dark but I guess it's reasonable on  the fact that winter time in this country is already setting in. We had a little drizzle on the weather but it didn’t matter. All we had in mind is to board this ship and settle inside. 

All the unmooring ops was handled by the Korean ship dry dock workers and basically we just watched the windows as they work., earlier we thought that it was "US" ship crew that would be handling the unmooring - thankfully it was the koreans.

Some of the Korean ship workers still stayed onboard to do some finishing work before the left the next. Until then while there still around , I was not staying on my assigned cabin and was inside the "spare" one's inside.

As far as i can tell , the next few days after this will be very busy and that we have to check every bits and pieces of the equipment supplied on this ship and see if they're usable or not.

The last meal in be taking in morning before going onboard the ship courtesy of 7-11 South Korea, thankfully this pack meal is not spicy 


On the second day on working at the shipyard , we were told to dress up in proper clothes (civilian) and meet at the entrance of the local hotel nearby. Apparently according to what the captain says that some top brass at the office  wants to have dinner with us , kind of like a meet and greet stuff to the crew. Some of the crew thought earlier that this is some sort of official meeting and that there will be a formal dinner of sort on the reception at the nearby hotel, Even I myself thought that this might be the case since after all the meeting place was at the hotel. 

To everybody's surprise, there is no dinner at the hotel but the "company representative" just randomly picked up a local pub for us to eat and that was just about it. No formal classy dinner , just a random meet up and go to the local pub to meet the company representative. Anyway it's not surprising if you have an Indian as a representative, they usually just go for appearances like assuming that the dinner as on the hotel , when in reality it was just going on to the local pub. Very underwhelming and a letdown.

At around 8pm the dinner was over and some of us went back to the hotel were staying. I on the other hand went on wandering on the surroundings and see if there is anything interesting around to look at. Fortunately for me there is.,  and it’s a local mall . I had a keen interest in that place because of the idea that there may be video games sold in that area and there is ., but to my dismay it turns out that the shops selling video games were closed at this hour , so it means I'd just have to come back the next day , if I wanted to buy one.

When I returned to the hotel were I'm staying, I saw some of my crew mates still outside and waiting for something . I went closer and asked , they said that there going on the bar nearby and probably have some drinks there. I decided to join them since that there's still enough time for me, and it would be boring just staying at the hotel for the whole night.

The nearby bar was just like any other bar around , but compared in the Philippines that is usually filled with people at night time., this bar is just empty and waiting for people to come in. Apparently the reason why its empty was the fact that the bar was probably reserved for foreigner. Well I'm a foreigner in a sense if you looked on a Korean perspective.

Good thing the bar had Filipina GRO's , to serve drinks and I won't have any communication problems with them when I'm talking. I just ordered a tall glass of whiskey and enjoyed the drink and listened to their stories. Apparently from what I heard from them is the typical story of a Filipina migrant worker who goes overseas and ends up doing worker as a bar worker (or maybe in often cases work as a whore). As I listen to their stories , I didn’t blame them for ending up doing work that kind of way. Employment in the Philippines have always been bad for decades and 7 out of 10 adult Filipino's just simply want to get out of the country just to find work.

apparently from what i had notice , the transit hotel we were staying at was in the middle of a red light district
I didn’t stayed long at the bar and after drinking two tall glasses of whiskey (which drunkenness have already set in on my senses), I told one of my crew mates that I'd be going back to the hotel to sleep.  

Three days have passed and we were told that there will be a "selected few" crew that will board the ship early on once the ship casts out of the ship yard. I was selected as the "few" who will board early and told that we should be out of the hotel and on the meeting point by as early as 6am. On the night before , I already packed my luggage back from the hotel room was already prepared., I took a good night's rest and wandered off to take a good look at the surroundings (which after all Its possible that I won't see land again for a couple of months).  One of my crew mates suggested to go to the local restaurant and have some Korean grub, he suggested the "no chairs while eating" kind of restaurant nearby - it was a good suggestion having to eat on a restaurant that feels like the authentic "native Korean" experience ,problem is that there's no price tag  on the menus they were serving and I'm weary that I might overeat or the food im ordering would go over budget. So we find another restaurant nearby and unfortunately it was chairs and feels more like any typical western restaurant serving Korean food., anyway we still proceeded in dinning at that place. The Korean food they were serving was delicious if I could just ignore the hot and spicy part , the Korean wasn’t bad I just never liked the food setup to be hot and spicy. My stomach was never good on that kind of flavour.

To be fair korean food dishes don't taste bad , in fact it taste good however despite theyre delectable, they spicy and hot nature is a big turn off to my taste as i really hate thier hot and spicy food . If koreans couldnt only remove that factor on their food then i could say that its edible. 

by the way their liquor taste like rubbing alcohol bought on a local Philippine Pharmacy (to be specific "rhea" rubbing alcohol) , although not bad in general it just simply taste weird.  


After three flight cancellations and almost a month of waiting., I had finally been deployed on the new ship called "Hunter Saga" . Initially I was assigned with the ship called "Hunter Atla" but later on got changed to "Hunter Saga". Soon after that a series of flight cancellations and Reschedules followed and on the later minute of Sunday October 13, 2019 . I finally received a message coming from 'Annabel Aviso" that then deployment is going to push thru and that I'm required to go back to the office to claim my new plane ticket along with the signing of a new MLC Form again by the tomorrow morning.

This is the first time on my career as a seafarer that I'd be informed on short notice , as in only less than 12 hours. Fortunately for me there the family car that my sister and I bought years back , so travel time will not be an issue and traffic on EDSA is nonexistent as far as I'm concerned., and I couldn't imagine myself traveling on public transportation in the Philippines in this kind of situation especially with the recent fiasco that happened on the Light Rail transit system where they had to shut down the entire facility and let at least a million people stranded on roads and I was one of those folk who got stuck.

Whatever the case, traffic and public transportation problems won't affect me this time as I'm using the family car

The following day, I came to the office and got my tickets . My whole luggage just stayed on the car and parked it in the nearby Robinsons Mall. It didn’t took me long to get the new company forms and my plane tickets, Just 20 minutes and that just about it. Ms. "Aviso" did speed things up. There was no extra chit chat and just right down to business.

When my sister (the driver of the car) and I met at the mall ., It was decided that we should head to the local airport early to avoid traffic and wait there until the "check in" time for the plane. We arrive at the airport at around 4pm .

It was about 8pm when the "Check In" procedure started , and there on the last minute I had already found out who will be my crewmates for this ship. From what I saw there area was about roughly 11 of us all in all catching for the flight. Based on the tickets , we have a two kinds of flights one bound for Incheon , and the other is a local flight to Busan.  The flight to Korea was short and was just roughly under 4 hours , then the local flight was just an hour. Once there we were immediately greeted by the local agent on the arrival area.

To some of my crew mates relief they were thrilled to hear that , we will not be proceeding immediately to the shipyard and instead will stay at the local transit hotel. Joy soon turned to doubt when we heard from the agent upon arriving there that we will start immediately on work in a couple of hours., and that we will be just using the transit hotel as a storage for our luggage and of course to sleep for the night (which sounds more like a bed spacer ,rather than a hotel a person stays). In any case I have no complains about it and usually (being a negative thinker most of the time , or more like pragmatic) , I had already expected this to happen that once we stepped out on the airport - work will soon follow , as in very soon.

The Transit Hotel that were staying at , in this picture is my room, 

We just put our luggage in the respective room and headed out in an hour to the working site. The towering image of the ship when view afar was really mesmerizing to look at ., like some sort of giant. We took the elevator going up to the deck area and immediately went to see the deck area. As expected the deck area was very busy and littered with all sorts of shipyard workers. Even inside the accommodation bloc upon entering was filled with people doing their work.

As soon as we got on B deck , we were given our coveralls immediately and put them on. The rest of the day till later on the afternoon was spent working on hauling stuff and deck materials onboard., and of course familiarizing us over to the ship's deck area , on which equipment is located at on how to operate the machinery.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Reluctantly I made a  Financial loan on my sisters insistence., I was not eager to make a loan given that most lending companies are a legal form of a "loan shark". Only reason I approved to make such a loan is that I made a deal with my sister that out of the 50,000 Php that will be borrowed on the lending company, I will take 7,000 Php as a sort of personal funding to buy essential work  related supplies and equipment.

The first lending company I tried "Balikbayad" lending company ., immediately disapproved my loan and didn’t disclose the reason why. The second lending company "Global Dominion Financial INC" did approved my loan but with such a hassle on their required documents that it took me 3 whole days to process. I did get the 50,000 Php loan anyway.

the 7,000 Php I got out of it was used to buy equipment like wireless computer keyboard and mouse, an Xbox wireless controller, and a few video games along with some equipment for my luggage's like sealed box containers. Unfortunately for me since those equipment was more pricy than my first estimate, the allotted 7,000 Php cost ballooned to 10,000 Php.  Which made me think that I should have borrowed instead about roughly about 70,000 to 80,000 Php instead to the lending company. The remaining 40,000 Php was immediately turned over to my sister for her expenses.

According to the Assistant Crewing manager via SMS message received our dispatch date would be on September 26th and our flight will be on October 1st. ., When I went to OSM Office on the 26th I was handled by Crewing assistant my Documents along with the plane ticket., Ms. Aviso left out the MLC papers and said that the person who would sign this was not yet at the office and at the meantime while I'm waiting , she said I could attend on an "Event" at the OSM waiting area and bar.

I attended the said event on the afternoon and it was all about some sort of mental health lecture to all OSM Crews and employee's . As soon as it was finished, I immediately strolled on OSM 4th floor to see if Ms. Aviso has already finished the MLC papers I need., To my annoyance Ms. Aviso never finished the paper I needed and took off without even leaving a note . Fortunately for me "Francis" was still around and told him of my predicament, He just finished and handed me out the MLC papers I needed in just a few minutes.  I was really lucky that "Francis" was around and if not for him , I would have returned again back to OSM for another day after the dispatch (no thanks to Ms. Aviso's incompetence) .

Monday, November 4, 2019


September 13, 2019 Friday AWAITING LANDFALL

Medical test were not that difficult in this new clinic ,as a matter of fact the whole set of medical test only lasted 2 hours for me . The only exception or pending's I had received in this medical clinic were the dental and ECG. And from what the doctor told me I can choose whatever medical clinic (or hospital) I want to have this pending's cleared up.

Dental , is obviously the easy part for me and was just the usual "Oral prophylaxis" cleaning - one that can be easily resolved by just visiting the local dentist. As for the ECG pending , I had to search far and wide from Marikina all the way up to manila for a medical clinic (or hospital) that has a Treadmill stress test.

I ended up with three clinics who have these . One is "medical city clinic" (branch) located near sta. Lucia mall , unfortunately I didn’t take the tread mill stress test here because its expensive (2500 plus PHP) and the time it take to release the results was up to 5 days. The second clinic I had searched was "PMP diagnostic medical" ., The tread mill stress test was cheap (only 1275 PHP) however the problem was its location which is really far from my home (its near PGH hospital in manila). The third clinic which I choose and took the tread mill was "Marikina Valley Medical Hospital" the price is tolerable and its only takes 5 to 10 minute walk away from my house.

The tread mill stress test on Marikina Valley Hospital was a bit difficult compared to the typical diagnostic clinics around., Difficult in the sense that they keep adding up the speed on the tread mill every few minutes and so until I gave up. I reached as far as "Stage 6" on the test before I quitted from shortness of breath. As soon as I finished the test and got out of the hospital , fatigue quickly set in when I got home and immediately fell asleep and didn’t woke up until around night time.  Perhaps I'm already getting too old in this repeated and regular medical checks in this job. Anyway I did finish 96 percent of the test.

After 3 days i got the medical results and passed it to the Nordic Medical Clinic to have them evaluated. According to the doctor there , he said that my medical has no problems and they just forward the "Fit to work" status to my employer.

Soon after that I went to my employer to inform them that I'm already medically fit and they had me to sign up a contract., The employer told me that they will just inform me when its already time to join the ship and issuing me the plane ticket.


September 01, 2019 Sunday HEADING OUT TO THE VOID (AGAIN)

For months I had been figuring out, on how my training certificates got lost and how could I replace them in a short time. On my recent report on the shipping office, I found out that my Training certificates were not lost but just misplaced and was just sitting there in my Filofax file record for months. In other words , it was just there all along at the office and I didn’t bother to look harder on were my certificates were. Basically since I discovered it was there , my plans on replacing "LOST" certificates are now irrelevant in a good way and saves me the cost and effort.

On my recent visit to the shipping office, it was obvious that I was again yet to be assigned to another TCC ship., unfortunately I didn’t like the TCC ship assignment because the ship assigned to me was infamous for being a shitty "regime" type of working environment. Even oiler "Gilbert" said to me at the café office that ship was avoided by Crew like the plague. Obviously I'm not going that to let it happen, and I'm still wary about the "Shell" campaigns that happened to me last 2017-2018., As much as possible im trying to avoid being entangled on a repressive regime working type of environment.

After lunch break ., I told my crewing manager that I wish to transfer to another principal. The crewing manager told me that the change of principal would meant that a possibility of reducing of salary because different principal offer different salaries. I agreed on the terms said by the crewing manager thinking that the risk of salary reduction is much better compared to living on repressive regime., I think this was the best choice for me and I would get to work better without having any worries and besides I never liked TCC principal anyway.

So I'm reassigned and works for me

Going forward now., Upon my reassignment , I was put on  a medical screening for the new "principal" . And since this will be a different one , the medical clinic as well will be different. The Medical Clinic assigned to me now is Nordic Medical Clinic ., Located near my employers office , just two blocks away.


September 14, 2019 Saturday SOME SIDE NEWS

While I was awaiting for any call coming from my employer , for the moment to be sent to the assigned ship and for the plane ticket to arrive. I went to take care of some of a  few side agenda's while I was in wait.

One of this is to make a financial loan from a lending company, to make up for some bad debts - not on my side but on my sisters. I was never in agreement with my sisters plans and only accepted it reluctantly to make a loan in the condition that I could ask for some of the funds borrowed , for me to use to purchase videogames. My sisters debts in the first place has nothing to do with at all and I was only asked to help out. Unfortunately my loan request was turned down by the lending company, they did not disclose the reasons why but it was evident that if I wanted some financial help - it will not be on their lending company.

Another side agenda that happened recently is that , an infamously known figure in the maritime community here in the Philippines is making again trouble to a small pro-workers group on Facebook social media. The trouble began when Nelson Ramirez Groups (UFS) claims victory over an issue on which a Government Maritime Agency policy was repealed, They claim it was their efforts that made it possible when in reality it wasn’t. It turns out another group was responsible on that effort and Nelson Ramirez was just riding along , and did nothing but take pictures to make it look like they had something to do with it. Nelson Ramirez made no hesitation in attacking the said group by posting negative statements via Facebook

Although it is none of my business to intervene in their quarrel , I did have a vendetta over Nelson Ramirez (the infamously known figure) over the incident that nearly had me blacklisted from being a seafarer four years ago. Thus in that reason I intervene and sided  with the leftist pro-workers group "SMP" (Samahan ng Marinong Pilipino)., I leaked to that group, mug shot pictures of Nelson Ramirez when he was arrested and put to jail over charges of "Cyber Libel" , so that the group could use it as a counter propaganda in Facebook on their part against Nelson Ramirez. 

Immediately as soon as I gave the pictures, the leftist group issued a statement countering Nelson Ramirez black propaganda against them., and stated that "Nelson Ramirez has been jailed before over this matter and was only released via  posting bailed over charges of cyber libel" . I also posted comments on their Facebook page, Ridiculing and Insulting Nelson Ramirez and also made accusations on Nelson Ramirez Anti-Filipino/ Anti-worker activities . I was one of the harshest critics against Nelson Ramirez on that Facebook page and was determined to let everyone know on how crooked he is , that he puts up an act being a labor union leader when in fact he was a company man. 

On my end aside from having a personal vendetta over Nelson Ramirez , the reasons why I made an intervention was that I figured that he may be a good "buffet" over leftist communist labor groups , and that I wanted to see on what will be the results of the confrontation of if ever Nelson Ramirez and UFS would have a full blown clash to a group that is loosely associated with leftist antigovernment communist groups. I'd like to see (if ever that happens) on how destructive their skirmishes will be (both in social media and actual live confrontation)