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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


LOG ENTRY June 04, 2016 Saturday
Losing dad was the first blow, now another blow hit me. As in literary hit my face and broke of two of my teeth, both near on my front tooth. Worst part is that there is no possible way for me to get my teeth repaired , second part is that any possible repair done is going back home after 8 months and the annoying part is that if I go see a doctor , either here , Singapore or China Dry docks is that it will take days to fully repair. Time that is not plenty here on this ship.
So how did it happen ? First is that I was assigned for a couple of days now to fitter number 02 , thing here is that a deck person doing the work for an engine personnel was bad enough, let alone get injured because of it. As expected shit started to hit the fan for me soon when I was helping out fitter get the iron pipes out of the skyline on the engine room, the first long heavy pipe was ok and got it out - the second small pipe was the one that got me hit. I knew from that moment it landed on my face that something was wrong and felt the sensation that teeth "Snapped and Fell off" , I took my mask and was spitting blood out for a couple of minutes. The sensation of me feeling the wind during a hot day made me knew that something on was exposed on my teeth but haven't determined yet the extend of the injury. Damn old sod fitter number 02 didn't even bothered to ask if there was anything wrong on , and just said that its coffee break.
Having sustain injuries , I went to see the 2nd officer at the bridge and see if he could patch me up. Much to my dismay , the Indian wasn't really helpful and just told me that I'd be fine and just practice now eating on my left side of my jaw, (injury was on my right side). Fine if that was the case, but can they do at least SOMETHING to seal off the wound on my teeth (at least for 8 months) like a dental sealant, the nerves is still sticking out and from the way I'm feeling on how sensitive my teeth is at the moment there is a possibility food particles get inside and had it infected. Hmpf so much for Indian healthcare.
Went back to my cabin to check the extent of the injury. For both teeth the injuries are extensive, The front tooth is though injured can be repaired on a dentist as long as there is no exposed nerves. The right incisor teeth has extensive damage , almost all crushing of the enamel and exposing the pulp and nerves (which has a sensation and sensitive at the moment).
After a few minutes somebody came knocking to my cabin door and opened it up it was BOSUN, apparently word came out quickly that I got injured and wanted to see me injuries and report it to the chief officer.  So we went to CCR to explain myself on the injuries. As expected nothing was done to my situation and just answered a few question by the chief mate. After the questioning I returned back to my cabin, rested and went back to work again
On the work area, I received a lot of mixed reactions about some even blame me that I wasn't careful enough , and some could just ask what happened. The thing annoying about Filipino's is they prefer more of mocking gestures rather than helping out injured people, saying youre stupid blah blah blah …... , not exactly going to help or solve my problem. Anyway as a Filipino this is our nature so it's not a surprise. In fact some of the crew here are more happy to see me injured, because their jealous of me
Anyway at least I'm off the hook doing work that was supposedly meant for the engine crew. Besides I don’t like working along with fitter no. 02 "Lorzano, Amiel" given that he most of the time an asshole, and berates me on how I work,
For now the bottom line is this ….
I'm stuck here with no point of rescue and medical help anytime soon, My only hope of dental repairs is in the Philippines, My situation is as hopeless as ever here and I'm stuck eating sideways till I solve this one out. Luckily in the history humanity nothing seriously bad ever happens from having a broken teeth


LOG ENTRY : June 03, 2016 Friday
Recently received news via SMS roaming that my dad recently died from cardiac arrest. I haven't known the details yet on his demise and was only informed by my younger sister. Given with the limitations of communications here, I couldn't get even the details, The only thing I knew about is that it was  abrupt. Nobody both me and people on the house expected that this would happen, Dad was despite suffering a stroke 15 years ago which paralyze half his body and having a fracture on the leg two years ago was more physically fit for his health to last at least 2 decades.
Aside from that my movement is restricted here, being put on a "slave ship" were working situation here are extreme and worst that I had previously faced before. Recent news now has informed me that working hours has increased from the usual 8am to 5pm, now to 6:30am till 5:30pm - totaling of about 11 full hours from Monday to Saturday. Basically not enough time to attend to my personal needs and maintenance of my equipment, Now I'm starting to figure out why Majority of Filipino's hate Indian management - definitely unfair and inhuman to Filipino standards. If I recall correct, working conditions here are now violating the contract I signed up with which was supposedly working conditions are 8am to 5pm and Saturdays are half day work ONLY and Sundays ARE REST DAYS. Probably I suspect there is more disaster to come that will test my endurance and versatility to breaking point.   
I wanted to grieve a lot for my loss - but right now , I don’t have the luxury of doing it and have to get out of this ship first before I can do anything, I had to work out on my safety first before attending to dad.
This contract was basically from the start full of lies and deceit, people from Cf Sharp and Norstar had been lying on the details just to lure people on signing up for their unfair terms and if I had known this earlier I would have instead opted paying the 100 U.S. Dollars debt I had in cash rather than face this much hardship. I came to much obsessed on the cost and ignored the general safety of my well-being and now I'm responsible for this shit storm I'm facing. I am thinking this now because if I haven't proceeded , I could have still be seeing my dad right now and enjoying every memorable moment. Now the only thing left for me is see his grave stone when I get back home.
By the time writing this, dad would have been almost two weeks dead by now. Two weeks that I had been grieving but do not have the indulgence given with the hardship situation I'm facing with, I have to concentrate on how to get the fuck off on this ship. 


Blog entry for : June 02, 2016 Thursday
Despite the moderness of my equipment, I still kept reverting (or looking back) to my old designs I used a few years back. Probably because of the fact that my old designs were lightweight, easy to use and easily constructed. The designs of my equipment date as back as 2010 and might consider it nowadays as obsolete but however it is now phased out.
In relation to this entry, I recently received a lot of flak from my fellow co-workers , both Filipino, Indian and Singaporeans alike. Apparently they haven't saw any sailor before that arrived on a ship with so many working equipment, and much to my suspicion some of them are even jealous that I came here well prepared and are doing everything to discredit my work (don't they all). Bosun even tells me openly that I should stop using my equipment, so I don't get any nasty attention. Frankly I think I already have and he's the one who's jealous of my equipment and he's just putting up an excuse.
Anyway I'm not really fazed on their horse shitting, and I'm already used to the fact about this and have been expecting that these imbeciles will not understand my methods, In any case I'm not bothered on their meddling - they just look at me as much as they can and drool on what I'm doing. As far as I know there is no such rule onboard any ship that forbids the use of my tools, And if there is some equipment that is in question like my headlight and flash light - all those equipment complies with the "instrically safe" standards imposed in Europe. So technically I can use it not only in this ship , but to among other ships as well  
Anyway going back on the main subject , No matter how much I change or "evolve" my designs from the earlier it still finds it way from back. Probably as I mentioned earlier. Good thing that despites the designs obsoleteness it still has plenty of uses up to now.
In other news….
On the working environment here in this ship, Indian working system is much more crueler and more brutal than the soviet type of working system and I had to go to all the trouble of waking up early in the morning just to attend to my personal agendas . Back when I was with NSB, I didn't have to do this because I had a lot of time for myself, Here it's obviously a shit on a stick.
What's more is that the perks and special privileges I enjoyed back in NSB are none existent here in Norstar. There are no bond store here , no liquor , no chocolates and worst is no soft drinks of any kind at all (be it either sprite, coke, Pepsi or 7up). Plus I'm drink water from a questionable purifier hooked up on the ships fresh water tank.
Another thing more annoying is that despite the modern of MLC, and technology. There is no internet connection of any kind here whatsoever, not even the basics of emails which is imperative to contact a sailors family in the Philippines. So for short , I'm working here blind on what is happening back home and the same goes back home where they have no idea what going on or how the hell are they going to contact me while I'm trapped here 


ENTRY LOG FOR : May 30, 2016 Monday
Past few days have been a total adjustment for me, given with the overall workload dumped. Regardless of which, I will continue to write and report on what is my general experience in this "junk ship" and the present situation. So onward with the writing and recording on my Blog.
Few days have been overwhelmed with much cleaning as, in a gargantuan task of rehabilitating this ship. The former Indian crew have left a tremendous amount of trash before they left and I had been doing the work of clearing each public room of trash and transforming it to habitable standards, Some of the  rooms here were in total wreck took me a lot long time to clear it like for example the public smoking room and the training gymnasium room. Practically there was no equipment ready when we arrived here and we had to scavenge whatever we can find on the working equipment like helmets, laundry soap, etc all the way up to the beddings and all.
Another thing that happened is that I recently got my ass kick by the Singaporean captain during emergency drills for being caught sleeping and not paying attention to the discussion (part from fatigue anyway). I didn’t understand much of his bitching due to his Singaporean accent in English, but one phrase I did understand and it was "if you don’t understand , I send you cabin" which was insulting - anyway for now I had no choice but to tag along on this junk and play their game until I clear my contract and get the fuck off on this company. So for now, the only thing I could say to this bitch's bitching is "roger that, Go chok tong" . Aside from the bitching , most of the details of the discussion of the drill , in particular is the ISPS is so complicated. Frankly the "European" or even the soviet system was more easily to understood than what this Singaporean "dick tips" superintendent is blabbering about, Those cocks is just uttering making things more complicated than it is.
From what I heard in the conversation on the drill , there will be supposedly an ISM internal auditor coming by in a couple of days' time and these dicks are taking it too seriously as if like there is an impending zombies apocalypse. These guys should lighten up given the fact that it's only an internal company mumbo jumbo .
In other news…
Due to the lack of accommodation space for the incoming crew. It was decided by our Indian chief mate, that the other O.S. will be joining me on my same room - in other words a "roommate" , I didn't have any choice even if I was against it. Definitely my room will lack privacy if that happens and I don’t take it lightly, I still prefer that I'm the sole ruler of my own room and sharing is the least of my idea's.
F*cking Great !!! Just really tarnishes the reputation of norstar principal , permanently for me on this matter, Not only does this cock's downgraded my salary , put my on an old rust bucket ship built way back 1996, and put me on an Indian Dominated crew and left us there with no supplies up until now and the worst so far is that , even my privacy and security on my cabin is compromised as well - does it get any worse ?!!   
Oh well it seems that me walking around the cabin butt naked is over for now .  


Entry log is May 27, 2016 Friday
Couple of days have been hectic on my part and couldn't get any time to write.  Well I did manage to get to the airport despite the odds and I'm already familiar on how things are going when going on a ship - the most important rule on that is always every man for himself , don’t wait for your co-workers to catch up otherwise you'd be dragged on the same problematic situation they're dealing with.
My flight was basically just a two part flight , one going from manila to DOHA , then catch up on a connecting flight in DOHA , bound for Galveston, Texas U.S.A., . The flight was very smooth and no encountered problems whatsoever and even carrying the bulk of my luggage's was easy since I already use now the stroller type of bag. Earlier before the flight I was hesitating in bringing some of my stuff (like my combat knife, "kings" Safety Shoes, and extra yellow coverall) due to concerns about weight limitation, but given the assurance of having a 23 kilogram . I had decided to go ahead with it rather than not having it on my luggage.
The flight was a long boring one, From Manila to DOHA , flight was roughly about 6 hours, from there it’s a more long boring trip from DOHA to the USA , which is about roughly 16 to 19 hours of flight. After we arrived in the U.S.A. , three of my co-workers took a detour on the immigration first since its their first time in the U.S. and just catch up back on the hotel that we stayed for the night. On the hotel, I finally learned what's the line-up of the crew. From my understanding the captain is a Singaporean , while the Ship officers both engine and deck are Indians - the rest of the ratings are Filipino. The composition of the crew and the crew that Ms. Jocel mentioned on the office was different, anyway I shouldn't expect much on recruitment people and practically they just say whatever they want to stay.
After the short hotel stay , we went on a boat ride to the ship "Eagle Boston" and as expected upon first look - the Ship was in an appalling look, Totally riddled with rust everywhere and most of us are overwhelmed on  how much work will be needed, when we went inside - even the accommodation bloc has a more disappointing look than the outside deck. There was absolutely trash and junk everywhere and no matter on what angle we look at it, this ship is not going to last soon and should have been scrapped a long time ago. Even the amenities and public facilities here are all mixed up , typical modern ship have a separate facilities from officers and crew - here everything is being shared, just like the japs.
Hygiene and water supplies have been comprised, the water source apparently here came from some fresh water tank inside this ship and hooked up on some portable filter which has a dubious origin, Thankfully my cholera vaccine is updated - so dying in cholera will be least of my worries when drinking the water here.
For now the supplies here are non-existent and were still working on it locating and making use of whatever is left (and available). Speaking of which even the provision hasn't arrived yet.


ENTRY LOG: May 22, 2016 Sunday
When planning my luggage, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about this trip compared to when i was back in NSB. Simply I'm not happy about my upcoming work. The only thing I'm concerned about is that i don’t get overweight - the rest is just shitty details.
Given with crappy lame plan CF Sharp wants us to do , I had other plans on my mind that is less stressful (and less time wasting) after i get my plane ticket and documents. I simply hate hauling my almost 60 kg luggage from marikina all the way to intramurous and then to the airport because they told me to, and they think it was a better plan.
My plan actually has two versions, Plan A is that if my documents and plane ticket would be released at an earlier time, i could hurry all the way to Marikina and meet my sister to get my luggage, get some shower and refresh myself and take a cab to the airport. The only catch is that i had to be at least home by 2pm or earlier.
Plan B is that if my documents and plane ticket get released on a shitty time. I had to send an SMS to my sister to get my luggage and take a cab and meet me at the airport (which i have to figure my way going there first). Saving time but in the expense of comfort and shower is sacrificed.
Either plan A or B , i have to go all the way to intramurous with a backpack carrying my airport clothes.
Flight date Monday will be very busy for me      

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Earlier it was thought that actual departure for the airport will be sometime next week - but Cf Sharp company informed that it will be by Monday , two days earlier. I guess i have to go to all the way on this one because of unfortunately events, and being paid 30 percent less from my previous employer for the whole 10 months is no smiling factor for me. Anyway I had already said it a thousand times by now that the only reason why i joined Cf Sharp was the fact CPO principal made me join on the promise that my pay rate would be relatively unchanged from NSB , little that did I knew that it was all a ruse to pin me down and strap me on their ugliest paying principal yet.
Anyway it's all past  now and that I'm more concerned now in finishing my 9 month long (plus and minus one month)lame contract. - after this , I'd get the fuck out of here as far away as possible. Migration to another company won't be a problem after I get out of here, since my US Visa is still valid up until 2018 - as long as that remains intact , I'd be fine as daisy
For now , I had to report back to CF Sharp and get the details . I made a mistake earlier about giving my real mailing address on my medi card and turns out that there's a possibility that the new company I'm hanging out will get discovered because of this. So I had to go back all the way to the third floor for it to change my mailing address. To my dismay,  "MAYA" was very unhelpful and annoying on the simple objective of changing the mailing address for my medical card so it won't land on my real one. What a total idiotic retard !, its either she's making lame excuses to skip work or that idiot is too lazy for a simple task. Now I had to go to "Roxanne" of NCL to change the mailing address for the card. Pathetic ! "i-don’t - have - authorization - my - ASS !!!
There's also another news about the oiler who recently backed out before the despatch a couple of days ago. Rumours of course say that he backed out because of diabetes but actually in reality he backed out because he felt it was unfair on his terms especially in the salary given here. Actually I myself would have done the same months ago, if it weren't for that shitty deception on the cash advance part. Just to set the record straight for the Oiler who backed out, he quitted because he felt he was being paid less , not because of his newly discovered sickness
Anyway Its typical that sometimes facts get twisted by rumours.
Going back earlier…
The earlier report on Friday turned out to be nothing more than just a waste of time, at first i thought it was already a despatch date, I was anxious on the fact that they will now give back my papers along with the plane tickets for the trip and it will save me a lot of trouble plus extra time to prepare for the whole two days - worry free. Disappointingly turns out that it was nothing more than just a pointless briefing and gum flapping, nothing solid - only just telling us about northstar is making a gamble in hiring Filipino and that we should "put our best foot" forward for the good of the company , blah blah. Yeah whatever ! Good for them in the sense that more job opening means more of salary cuts profits from their sailors, but if you ask on the perspective of a sailor - the words of encouragement is less or no appeal at all, because of the low salary cap and to add more of the disappointment is the conditions that were told to us. Old obsolete ship going back 1996, the overtime pay is fixed, the ship GRT is large but the pay is low, contracts are very long which last to 9 months. Etc. all the details that would make a sailor frown, plus it was misleading on what the details the recruitment manager told us two months ago. Fuck even the allotment details is sketchy and unspecific, they're not exactly giving straight answers on what specific date of the month will it be released for our relatives here. Those idiots simply told us to make a rough estimate from the last week of the month to all the way to the first week of the month, which Doesn’t exactly help at all on making us guess on which of the 14 days was it exactly released. Thanks a lot for them for being so unhelpful. Dicks !!!
Aside from the disgusting details , the despatch date told to us was the same date on the flight, meaning its on Monday both. So to picture it was that the CF Management is so concerned fondling the balls of the principal that they couldn’t care less to the comfort of sailors. So basically from what i heard they wanted us to haul off our ass all the way from our point of address then go to intramurous wait for a couple of there and get our papers , then go again to the airport and wait again for the boarding time. Which from what i understood is that CF Sharp wanted us to wait for the plane on the airport for roughly ten hours. Talk about shitty aggressiveness !!!
Anyway we were dismissed on the briefing at around 5pm with nothing significant achieved. So i have to thank CF Sharp for basically wasting my time for nothing, they certainly know how to tick their sailors off. When i was in Career Ship Management, they were always in a hurry but their despatch was brief and straight to the point. Certainly not a time waster.

Friday, May 20, 2016


So much for the doctor on Manila Doctors Hospital which basically just ripped off 600 PHP on my wallet for a simple paper clearance. Now I just recently learned from the Oiler that Cf Sharp didn’t even get to bother contacting me when some of the crew had already signed up with their contracts which happened just Monday. If it weren't for the info I learned on the Oiler , I wouldn’t have went to the Cf Sharp Office at all and fixed some of the pending issues I have on my paper.
Anyway I got there as soon as I can after fixing up the pending issue about the pulmonary clearance in Manila Doctors Hospital and getting the Cholera vaccine from FMT. It’s a good thing I went there and sorted out some info that was placed on my 201 file data in Cf Sharp and catch up on the paper works. Personally I'm not enthusiastic at all on the details of my contract that was offered, as a matter of fact from my understanding the contract offered to me was just basically a revamped version of a CSM contract and frankly I couldn't recommend it at all, anyway as if I had any other choice from the start ?!
Thankfully I was able to catch back some objectives and will be able to finish all the objectives in a day or two. 
One thing I have noticed from my future to be co-workers is that some of them at this early stage is having doubts about the whole contract at this early stage. In fact the oiler whom I mentioned earlier backed out on the last minute and said an excuse "that he's diabetic" even though I even read his medical report that he's not. For me it's good for him that he backed out when there's still time and there's nothing binding him here on this shitty company, I would have done the same month's earlier if it weren't for that accursed "cash advance" that left me stuck here. Probably I'm surmising that my co-workers too are suspicious about the terms of the contract and find it unfair or least to their liking.
Whatever the case on my part, it's only a first and last contract here
Aside from that , there's also some form that are given to me that i needed to sign up. Nothing interesting only on the form about the social media thing, which basically tell that posting anything that is negative about the company is prohibited and will have serious consequences on employment. they encourage social media to crew if they post only positive and only publish truthful facts (actually truthful facts based on their narrow minded bias views ) .  In other words no bullshit facts about the company, only asshole liking propaganda for their personal gain. They reasoned that social media is a public site and could damage the company reputation because of it
Frankly this doesn't look good for me given that I had a blog and regularly update it, and suppression of freedom to write doesn't suit my ideology - basically for me it violates my civil liberties. Call centre company called TRANSCOM tried to suppress my freedom and blogs way back 2013 , they even tried as far as shutting down my blog via reporting it to Google and yet despite all they techy skill poured into it , my blog is still operational up to now and running. The real picture here is that companies (both seabased and landbased) have the guts to be a real dick and piss off every employee and yet don’t have the balls to face the consequence of people telling to the public that their employment standards are shitty. It’s a good thing that I live in the Philippines and there is no such thing technically that stops people from posting anything they want , either be it a praise or an insult.
Anyway in relation to this, I would take steps in carefully publishing my posts on my blog and would creatively abbreviate details. It's a simple step but will greatly reduce and even delay the chance of discovery of my blog, actually even if I post all the details , there is no such thing as "cyber libel" and that kind of lawsuit here. The only harshest thing they could give is fire me from the job and nothing more.

this is the source of my misery from the start on why i got trapped on cf sharp in the first place and my salary was downgraded and given a shitty pay. sailor should be careful on this part


Thursday, May 19, 2016


    The only thing good about this repeat of pre-employment medical is the fact that I had to get some answers fully about this so called northstar crew management. For now this is the info I got from talking to some folks on the same situation.
    1. North star principal here in CF Sharp is unheard of, In fact nobody exactly knows about it - not even the security guards. From what I heard the staff who actually handles this is "Roxanne" from NCL (Norwegian cruise line principal).
    2. North Star Principal here is only composed of two ships, the second ship is the one I'm supposedly be joining this May.
    3. Crew deployment will be sometime this May , from what I heard on the oiler - there about 12 crew members who will join this ship , including myself
    4. Name of the ship is "Eagle Boston"
    5. Roughly the ship is rumored to be around 30k to 50k GRT
    6. Contracts is as far as 9 months
    7. Contract and salary offers is almost the shitty same as CSM , with only a few minor cosmetic changes
    8. Ship is rumored to be as old as 1996 , which I think is 20 years old by now.
    Beyond that anything else I knew about "Northstar" is just blank as unused toilet paper.
    On news about the medical clinic , Well it looks like FMT ( First Medical Team Multi Specialty Diagnostic Center International Medical Services )is just like any other fucked up D.O.H. / M.A.R.I.N.A. approved money robbing medical clinics - the only difference to them is that they don’t rip-off directly from their patients by making them retake (and pay) the diagnostic med test that they flunked, but instead directly refer them to hospital or unethical doctors. Whether it’s a simple urinalysis issues, or past resolved x-ray thing like Tuberculosis, whatever - as far as I know F.M.T(its) will make it a big shit out of it and will obviously profit from it.
    In my case , during the PEME. I had declared earlier on the medical form that I had a history of tuberculosis way back in 2008 and was cured, I even have my comparison Chest X-ray plates for them to look at. Eventually all of my PEME exams checked out even on the urinalysis but since F.M.tits loves to find dirt and for the sake of scamming their patients , they decided that my previous medical predicament years back , which I declared on the form was worth every buck to extort. Even if my radiological medical report says that my PTB fibrosis (tuberculosis scar tissue on my left lung) is stable since Sept 7, 2012 (date of the chest x ray film) which meant clear.
    So here's the overall thing , they said that I had to look for this certain private doctor from Manila Doctors Hospital to get a "clearance" which I knew eventually will charge me for something. Whether it’s a consultation fee or another more annoying diagnostic exam. In the meantime there is nothing much I can do since I don’t have the money on my wallet at the moment.
    In other news
    Had received a newsletter from Microsoft , informing its cloud storage Onedrive will be reducing its storage capacity. According to the email my online storage from 30 GB will be drastically reduced to only 5 GB, although this is not a problem for my official accounts - it’s a problem for my other accounts which hold confidential files amounting to almost 10 GB, so I'm left on two options  - its either I reduce the content on my "other" Onedrive storage or store the files elsewhere like "Box" ( which shows promising results for online cloud storage.
    In relation to this another problem I had to resolve in transferring those files is the unstable slow internet connection which apparently has serious problems here in the  Philippines, (as everyone know here that the Philippines is one of the slowest and most expensive in Asia), moving a 10 GB data to an online cloud storage in the Philippines is like NASA planning an expedition to the moon. So moving data using Smart Communications here (one of the largest telco's ) has a shitty internet connection. More shittier on their so called new internet plans called "Maxisurf" and "flexisurf" , One is based on 800Mb Data Bandwidth offer and the other is based on 7 hour Time Data offer. Bottom line here is that it will be difficult fixing my situation on the "other" files I had. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Finally after a few months of changing and finding a decent barber, somebody got the hairstyle I really wanted, well probably most barbers around the neighborhood don’t have any idea on what shit I'm talking about when it comes to hairstyle and resulted to me being stuck for several months in a retard look. Good thing for me I finally found one who can fix me up and make me look hot again.
Aside from getting an appropriate hairdo, I might be also changing my style of writing from now on and will be adding humour and sarcasm (plus language related issues) on my blog , just like what I did during my call center years - probably I figured that life in the maritime community is all too serious - and that I should learn to smile and insult a little. besides If I took it more seriously id have more wrinkles in face than in my testicles before I reach 40. Probably writing is an acquired talent I got during my early years in college, plus combined with my proficiency in English language and there I go Viola !! A foul mouthed anti-hero blogger is born.    
Anyway there isn't much news lately on what's going on around CF Sharp , the only thing I knew about those bitches is that they're going to call me at some time around third week of May for any word. Hopefully for my sake they should keep it , otherwise their 75 year history is nothing more than just testicle fondling on their photocopy advertisements meant for idiotic sailors, and I had been really stupid enough to fall for it. Now that national elections is over (which is a holiday), I can pay them a little visit and see on what they're cooking up.
I'm taking in my little sisters advice, just for the sake of keep my thoughts in peace and not to freak out a lot from imagining that CF Sharp is ripping me off.
The following day , I did visit them - actually I was just submitting the remaining documents that I had finished up so that in case they would call me I could easily drag my ass from home, all the way to their office. Once that I had passed my papers to the recruitment office , it took them only a couple of hours for them  to shake me up on my phone. Well the phone message said to me was both good and bad, Good that they had finally decided to call me and I had been waiting for nearly two months - bad on the part that I have to take another PEME yet again (premedical employment exam) which meant that I had to be poked , zapped and walk butt naked again on a medical clinic. I'm haven't heard clearly on the phone on what's the name of the clinic, and by luck I should think that I won't encounter the shitty medical clinics that were mentioned on various Face book websites like for example super cash errr I meant super care. 
Now the part that my brain is figuring out is why the fuck , is north star not recognizing my previous PEME in CPO ??? , I had already went to the crappy trouble of dragging my ass and passing it with the skin of my teeth just to get there and now I'm going to another trouble yet again on the medical , just like a new employee - totally troublesome and such a total dick policy for that principal. Seriously if my balls wasn’t just caught in the binding agreement on returning the money I borrowed from CPO , I would have been ignoring this shitty company by now and giving them a big ugly fuck you sign.
I thank my lucky stars that the effects wasn’t permanent and it's only a one contract setback , maximum. Once I've finished with that crappy contract (and company) , I'm done and free again.
Lately during the end of the day , while just browsing on my local twitter and face book account using my android phone. My face book account suddenly crashed or so I thought , earlier I thought it the snail pace internet Wi-Fi connection of the mall was the cause since it’s a public Wi-Fi . Then later it hit my skull that somebody might have the balls that backstabbed me and had my account suspended - since I'm trying to repeatedly access my FB account with all of it ending that Facebook demands a sort of security details for identification.
For a couple of hours , I wondered and think on who the fuck could have done it ? This is the first time that it has happened on my account ever ! And its highly likely that someone out there wants me to be put out of business in Facebook.
Anyway love it to disappoint them that it takes more than that to bring me down in Facebook and I'm able to clean up the shit that was thrown in my direction.