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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


ENTRY LOG FOR : May 30, 2016 Monday
Past few days have been a total adjustment for me, given with the overall workload dumped. Regardless of which, I will continue to write and report on what is my general experience in this "junk ship" and the present situation. So onward with the writing and recording on my Blog.
Few days have been overwhelmed with much cleaning as, in a gargantuan task of rehabilitating this ship. The former Indian crew have left a tremendous amount of trash before they left and I had been doing the work of clearing each public room of trash and transforming it to habitable standards, Some of the  rooms here were in total wreck took me a lot long time to clear it like for example the public smoking room and the training gymnasium room. Practically there was no equipment ready when we arrived here and we had to scavenge whatever we can find on the working equipment like helmets, laundry soap, etc all the way up to the beddings and all.
Another thing that happened is that I recently got my ass kick by the Singaporean captain during emergency drills for being caught sleeping and not paying attention to the discussion (part from fatigue anyway). I didn’t understand much of his bitching due to his Singaporean accent in English, but one phrase I did understand and it was "if you don’t understand , I send you cabin" which was insulting - anyway for now I had no choice but to tag along on this junk and play their game until I clear my contract and get the fuck off on this company. So for now, the only thing I could say to this bitch's bitching is "roger that, Go chok tong" . Aside from the bitching , most of the details of the discussion of the drill , in particular is the ISPS is so complicated. Frankly the "European" or even the soviet system was more easily to understood than what this Singaporean "dick tips" superintendent is blabbering about, Those cocks is just uttering making things more complicated than it is.
From what I heard in the conversation on the drill , there will be supposedly an ISM internal auditor coming by in a couple of days' time and these dicks are taking it too seriously as if like there is an impending zombies apocalypse. These guys should lighten up given the fact that it's only an internal company mumbo jumbo .
In other news…
Due to the lack of accommodation space for the incoming crew. It was decided by our Indian chief mate, that the other O.S. will be joining me on my same room - in other words a "roommate" , I didn't have any choice even if I was against it. Definitely my room will lack privacy if that happens and I don’t take it lightly, I still prefer that I'm the sole ruler of my own room and sharing is the least of my idea's.
F*cking Great !!! Just really tarnishes the reputation of norstar principal , permanently for me on this matter, Not only does this cock's downgraded my salary , put my on an old rust bucket ship built way back 1996, and put me on an Indian Dominated crew and left us there with no supplies up until now and the worst so far is that , even my privacy and security on my cabin is compromised as well - does it get any worse ?!!   
Oh well it seems that me walking around the cabin butt naked is over for now .