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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


LOG ENTRY June 04, 2016 Saturday
Losing dad was the first blow, now another blow hit me. As in literary hit my face and broke of two of my teeth, both near on my front tooth. Worst part is that there is no possible way for me to get my teeth repaired , second part is that any possible repair done is going back home after 8 months and the annoying part is that if I go see a doctor , either here , Singapore or China Dry docks is that it will take days to fully repair. Time that is not plenty here on this ship.
So how did it happen ? First is that I was assigned for a couple of days now to fitter number 02 , thing here is that a deck person doing the work for an engine personnel was bad enough, let alone get injured because of it. As expected shit started to hit the fan for me soon when I was helping out fitter get the iron pipes out of the skyline on the engine room, the first long heavy pipe was ok and got it out - the second small pipe was the one that got me hit. I knew from that moment it landed on my face that something was wrong and felt the sensation that teeth "Snapped and Fell off" , I took my mask and was spitting blood out for a couple of minutes. The sensation of me feeling the wind during a hot day made me knew that something on was exposed on my teeth but haven't determined yet the extend of the injury. Damn old sod fitter number 02 didn't even bothered to ask if there was anything wrong on , and just said that its coffee break.
Having sustain injuries , I went to see the 2nd officer at the bridge and see if he could patch me up. Much to my dismay , the Indian wasn't really helpful and just told me that I'd be fine and just practice now eating on my left side of my jaw, (injury was on my right side). Fine if that was the case, but can they do at least SOMETHING to seal off the wound on my teeth (at least for 8 months) like a dental sealant, the nerves is still sticking out and from the way I'm feeling on how sensitive my teeth is at the moment there is a possibility food particles get inside and had it infected. Hmpf so much for Indian healthcare.
Went back to my cabin to check the extent of the injury. For both teeth the injuries are extensive, The front tooth is though injured can be repaired on a dentist as long as there is no exposed nerves. The right incisor teeth has extensive damage , almost all crushing of the enamel and exposing the pulp and nerves (which has a sensation and sensitive at the moment).
After a few minutes somebody came knocking to my cabin door and opened it up it was BOSUN, apparently word came out quickly that I got injured and wanted to see me injuries and report it to the chief officer.  So we went to CCR to explain myself on the injuries. As expected nothing was done to my situation and just answered a few question by the chief mate. After the questioning I returned back to my cabin, rested and went back to work again
On the work area, I received a lot of mixed reactions about some even blame me that I wasn't careful enough , and some could just ask what happened. The thing annoying about Filipino's is they prefer more of mocking gestures rather than helping out injured people, saying youre stupid blah blah blah …... , not exactly going to help or solve my problem. Anyway as a Filipino this is our nature so it's not a surprise. In fact some of the crew here are more happy to see me injured, because their jealous of me
Anyway at least I'm off the hook doing work that was supposedly meant for the engine crew. Besides I don’t like working along with fitter no. 02 "Lorzano, Amiel" given that he most of the time an asshole, and berates me on how I work,
For now the bottom line is this ….
I'm stuck here with no point of rescue and medical help anytime soon, My only hope of dental repairs is in the Philippines, My situation is as hopeless as ever here and I'm stuck eating sideways till I solve this one out. Luckily in the history humanity nothing seriously bad ever happens from having a broken teeth