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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is May 27, 2016 Friday
Couple of days have been hectic on my part and couldn't get any time to write.  Well I did manage to get to the airport despite the odds and I'm already familiar on how things are going when going on a ship - the most important rule on that is always every man for himself , don’t wait for your co-workers to catch up otherwise you'd be dragged on the same problematic situation they're dealing with.
My flight was basically just a two part flight , one going from manila to DOHA , then catch up on a connecting flight in DOHA , bound for Galveston, Texas U.S.A., . The flight was very smooth and no encountered problems whatsoever and even carrying the bulk of my luggage's was easy since I already use now the stroller type of bag. Earlier before the flight I was hesitating in bringing some of my stuff (like my combat knife, "kings" Safety Shoes, and extra yellow coverall) due to concerns about weight limitation, but given the assurance of having a 23 kilogram . I had decided to go ahead with it rather than not having it on my luggage.
The flight was a long boring one, From Manila to DOHA , flight was roughly about 6 hours, from there it’s a more long boring trip from DOHA to the USA , which is about roughly 16 to 19 hours of flight. After we arrived in the U.S.A. , three of my co-workers took a detour on the immigration first since its their first time in the U.S. and just catch up back on the hotel that we stayed for the night. On the hotel, I finally learned what's the line-up of the crew. From my understanding the captain is a Singaporean , while the Ship officers both engine and deck are Indians - the rest of the ratings are Filipino. The composition of the crew and the crew that Ms. Jocel mentioned on the office was different, anyway I shouldn't expect much on recruitment people and practically they just say whatever they want to stay.
After the short hotel stay , we went on a boat ride to the ship "Eagle Boston" and as expected upon first look - the Ship was in an appalling look, Totally riddled with rust everywhere and most of us are overwhelmed on  how much work will be needed, when we went inside - even the accommodation bloc has a more disappointing look than the outside deck. There was absolutely trash and junk everywhere and no matter on what angle we look at it, this ship is not going to last soon and should have been scrapped a long time ago. Even the amenities and public facilities here are all mixed up , typical modern ship have a separate facilities from officers and crew - here everything is being shared, just like the japs.
Hygiene and water supplies have been comprised, the water source apparently here came from some fresh water tank inside this ship and hooked up on some portable filter which has a dubious origin, Thankfully my cholera vaccine is updated - so dying in cholera will be least of my worries when drinking the water here.
For now the supplies here are non-existent and were still working on it locating and making use of whatever is left (and available). Speaking of which even the provision hasn't arrived yet.