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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


LOG ENTRY : June 03, 2016 Friday
Recently received news via SMS roaming that my dad recently died from cardiac arrest. I haven't known the details yet on his demise and was only informed by my younger sister. Given with the limitations of communications here, I couldn't get even the details, The only thing I knew about is that it was  abrupt. Nobody both me and people on the house expected that this would happen, Dad was despite suffering a stroke 15 years ago which paralyze half his body and having a fracture on the leg two years ago was more physically fit for his health to last at least 2 decades.
Aside from that my movement is restricted here, being put on a "slave ship" were working situation here are extreme and worst that I had previously faced before. Recent news now has informed me that working hours has increased from the usual 8am to 5pm, now to 6:30am till 5:30pm - totaling of about 11 full hours from Monday to Saturday. Basically not enough time to attend to my personal needs and maintenance of my equipment, Now I'm starting to figure out why Majority of Filipino's hate Indian management - definitely unfair and inhuman to Filipino standards. If I recall correct, working conditions here are now violating the contract I signed up with which was supposedly working conditions are 8am to 5pm and Saturdays are half day work ONLY and Sundays ARE REST DAYS. Probably I suspect there is more disaster to come that will test my endurance and versatility to breaking point.   
I wanted to grieve a lot for my loss - but right now , I don’t have the luxury of doing it and have to get out of this ship first before I can do anything, I had to work out on my safety first before attending to dad.
This contract was basically from the start full of lies and deceit, people from Cf Sharp and Norstar had been lying on the details just to lure people on signing up for their unfair terms and if I had known this earlier I would have instead opted paying the 100 U.S. Dollars debt I had in cash rather than face this much hardship. I came to much obsessed on the cost and ignored the general safety of my well-being and now I'm responsible for this shit storm I'm facing. I am thinking this now because if I haven't proceeded , I could have still be seeing my dad right now and enjoying every memorable moment. Now the only thing left for me is see his grave stone when I get back home.
By the time writing this, dad would have been almost two weeks dead by now. Two weeks that I had been grieving but do not have the indulgence given with the hardship situation I'm facing with, I have to concentrate on how to get the fuck off on this ship.