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Sunday, January 12, 2020


As this ship gets closer to Singapore, the weather gets hotter and hotter as it closes. So probably I'd be preparing my Anti-Heat Tactics once again and see how I fare well on this kind of weather , besides as far as I know this ship won't be staying long. It's going only for Singapore for provisioning and bunkering.

For the Job order today , I'm basically just tagging along with O.S. Dalida and the   general work now is washing the deck.

While doing this work there was once incident of a screw up when O.S. alvin along with A.B. Jun ,Opened the the water line used for the sprinkler in the Bosun Store , instead of the main water hydrant, as a result the whole Bosun Store got flooded with seawater. It was only found out when the third mate , radioed in and said that there's a bilge alarm on the Forward Bosun store area . Pumpman Carnaje immediately check which valves were opened and saw that indeed the sprinkler's for the Bosun store was opened and immediately shut down the valves. All three of them when inside the Bosun Store to confirm if it was flooded and it was. Soon cheifmate Merk  came and went inside to confirm it as well and left soon after.

Me and O.S. Dalida were just nearby and was basically scrubbing the deck area to get rid of the Seagull crap. We saw them  removing water , bucket to bucket first then later they used a wilden pump to remove all the excess water. Me and O.S. Dalida were thankful that we were not the ones who screwed up or else it’s a lot of trouble and will add more to the problem I have onboard.  It’s a bad thing to say but given on how bad the work reputation here of our co-workers are , I could say that "It's better them and not us".

After Coffee Break, O.S. Dalida told me that . Pumpman Carnaje simply made an excuse about the incident "all people make mistake"., But O.S. dalida just smirked the said comment and said "Yeah all people make mistakes but , If either both us made that kind of mistake, I'm sure that the only thing missing is that they forsake and curse us all to hell, ". He added that people like them "like to wash hands and pretend they themselves to be cleaned".

O.S. Dalida said that after the incident Pumpman Cranaje looking for someone to duke out his frustration , and said criticized him for working always in close proximity with me. O.S. dalida was definitely pissed about this , since its none of his business to be meddling on other peoples work and that Pump man Carnaje should mind his own. I just silent and listen to the whole of O.S. Dalida's grumbling. For me, I'm thankful  that it was not us who was involve on the screw up and I'm more than grateful because of it. 

As long as it's them and not us, its fine with me.

We proceeded on the whole day work removing all that bird crap on deck and later switch in using fresh water in cleaning the whole deck area ., Good thing it rained on that day and saved us most of the trouble in washing a huge deck area of this ship.