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Friday, January 24, 2020


After a couple of days working with and assisting electrician on his work in laying out a cable wire, it was finally over, not all that is left is securing those equipment and tools that were left behind on the work.

During the securing of the wire, AB. "Chirs" was blabbering something negative about Pumpman Carnaje, about him being a loafer and that all he does on work was talk and chat , and complain on work. He added that he gets paid on work just to be lazy. A.B. "Chris" asked if I agree on this. Knowing full well that I can't trust anyone here on this ship and that whatever thoughts I have must be kept only to myself. I just simply replied to him "No Comment" . As much as I can figure is that this is the best answer and reply I could make , and that I should not let anyone know what are the thoughts going on inside my head - whether its positive or negative, it's too much of a risk .

Deep inside my head , I do agree on his comments about Pump Man Carnaje. All he does as far as I can see is that he's a lazy prick and just talks around on work , and his talks are mostly made up of trashy complains . Another half of my thinking is basically the "I don’t care" attitude, It's none of my concern as far as I know on what he does , whether him being a lazy prick and all. My mindset and focus at the moment is trying to finish this contract as soon as possible in any way or manner that I can and necessary steps should be taken to ensure this. All other info's not related to this mindset is just annoyance and a drag. So whatever A.B. Chris thinks about Pumpman Carnaje is just clutter for me,  

Aside from that as I have mentioned earlier , I have trust issues over the entire crew here. I can't trust them on any kind of information and its best I just keep my mouth shut and keep it to myself - it's safer that way. I already made a mistake in trusting O.S. Dalida here before and some of the crew, I'm not going to make that mistake again.

Finally for me it's already the 24th of January and it's still almost half way from my main objective of getting the fuck out of this ship. I still have at least 2 to 3 month more left to endure before I could pass my "Early Vacation Letter" and I have to hold off until that time comes. 

In other news

For now the news on my work place is that , I'm suspecting that arrival on Saudi Arabia will be soon and that the crew have already made preparations on the usual routine equipment. I suspect as well that probably it will be "berthing upon arrival" kind of berth.  Although I still haven't saw them lay out the mooring wires on the mooring winches.