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Friday, January 17, 2020


Still got two and a month's half left before I sent my "early vacation" request and from that time and before , I have to hold on and do as much as I can to last. My situation have been getting grim lately on the fact that "Job orders" are getting scarcer each day that pass. Pump man Carnaje made sure of that, and doing the best he can to lock me out and starve me out. Personally I shouldn't have listened to the so called "Filipino to Filipino talk" last December and instead would have opted to seek help from a non-Filipino chief mate here and the terms will be much more fair.

For now there is nothing much I can do , because of the reality right now. As long as Pumpman Carnaje and Chief Mate "Merk" will not be eliminated., I will have to live out the rest of my days in tyranny and oppression. They are the biggest Threats around here on this ship, these people from "Oslo" principal. The previous indian O.S. once said "they will have their day, and when that they comes. I hope they received the harshest and most severe punishment from the divine".

Anyway I shouldn't write more about them , because it upsets me more about my situation.

After days of chasing and having no luck on to talking about him on what my job orders are , I finally changed tactics and went looking for him in the very early morning. As in around 5am and I finally found him at the CCR. The job order that was given was to clean the two lifeboats. I immediately made preparations on how to clean the said lifeboats and by around 8am started.  I did my best to clean the said life boat and scrubbed every nook and cranny as best as I could using soap even the stains that were too difficult to remove, (I wasn’t able to successfully remove it but did greatly reduced it). At around in the late afternoon and after cleaning it throughly , Chiefmate merk checked the port side life boat area and said doubtfully "Did you really clean, the lifeboats ? Because it's still dirty inside" and pointed on the small spot on the footsteps area and ignored the whole area of the lifeboat that was cleaned , I replied " I did sir and those were the stains that I had difficulty in removing" . He said "you should have used thinner on these stains" and made a dissatisfied look , he even added that I shouldn’t  have taken a lot of time in cleaning this lifeboats. I said kindly ," Sir its ok , I could go back and clean this spot with a thinner" . He replied "Never mind , it will take too much time" and left with a smirk on his face, dissatisfied.

It hit me at that moment and think that this person is another one of those perfectionist bastards and no matter how much effort you put on work , these kind of people will, by the end of the day still think that your dirt and your efforts are just a waste.

Bah ! Does he have any idea on how long it takes to scrub every nook and cranny of a single life boat ? Maybe he thinks I'm slopping around work and have no idea how difficult it is , Maybe he himself never even cleaned a life boat thoroughly and scrubbed it inch by inch with only soap and a very small adhesive pad on hand ? Pathetic ! I knew well this kind of people on my years as a sailor and as far as I know , Filipino's - our own kind are one of the worst bosses out there.

Anyway I have no other choice but to keep my head down given the circumstances and situation I have now. I have no other choice but to do this , no plans of arguing or even letting people know what I'm thinking inside - its better this way , The less they knew what's going on to my head , the less they'd suspect that I hate them and dislike them. besides all I can do for now is just simply buy time and enough for me to reach the month of April and May.