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Monday, January 13, 2020


The anti dehydration meds , i brought along on my luggage really proved its worth in the hot and humid temperature of singapore. Probably I'd be carrying this regularly to prevent dehydration on work.

As expected , The crew of this ship went on to a working treadmill by the time it reached Singapore and for me as being a "regular" crew was already up doing work as early as 5am by preparing and rigging the gangway accommodation ladder and Pilot ladder. Thankfully the weather in Singapore in the morning is not that hot as expected, in fact it's quite a bit cool .

Soon as the Pilot embarked and this ship went on anchorage, This ship was approached by numerous supply ships for provision and stores , plus some other ships for bunker and ships carrying spare oil.  I was literary on the work schedule from 5 am till 11pm late at night doing various stuff ranging from assisting on the provisions till all the way in assisting the mooring operations for the bunker ships. I stop once in a while to take meals and change coveralls.

The temperature of Singapore rose to uncomfortable level starting from 9am all the way to probably 8pm at night. The Anti-dehydration meds I brought along on this trip (and stored on my luggage) really proved its worth against the blazing humid temperature and made the stay on the outside weather tolerable. As a standard practice against heat and humidity , I wore my coveralls wet.

During mooring operations there was once an incident were our heaving line snapped.,  and apparently O.S. Alvin didn’t informed me that we were already heaving 2 mooring ropes at the same time , which our heaving line cannot support that kind of weight. I was unaware of this because I was the one operating the winch and couldn’t see very well plus to add more I was a bit far distanced. When the heaving line snapped , everyone working on the deck area saw it., as for me I was stupefied that the line had snapped.  Seeing what happened the whole crew working on decked immediately helped us out in pulling the mooring rope of the bunker ship manually and didn’t use the winch , fearing that another heaving line might snapped.

As soon as the mooring were in placed on the bollard. O.S. Alvin approached me , trying to wash his hands on the incident and finding a scape goat said to me and asked if I was pulling the heaving line on the winch rashly. I replied that I wasn't and was only pulling the winch slowly and taking orders via his hand gesture. After that reply I just went silent and never bother to listen to his blaming comments. The next few work that I went was annoying having O.S. Alvin around making rude statements to me if I didn’t get the job right, I just kept my mouth shut to avoid trouble but keep the tabs of his rudeness. As soon as I finished the job , I ditched him and moved on to the next.

The last work I did in the afternoon was cleaning the garbage room, and just used a mode to clean those huge garbage bins since "washing" with a water hose is impossible because this ship is still at anchorage area. I tried to get bleach from mess man to get rid of the smell but I could find him , so I just used a typical soap and water ingredient to clean those bins.  After that work I rest for probably a few hours , then I was called back again by around 10pm or 11pm to assist on the engine crew in the unmooring of another bunker vessel.

By around 4.45am the following morning another phone call came on my cabin and instructing me to help rig the gangway and pilot ladder on both sides of the ship, the pilot came and after an hour left and disembarked on this ship. I was out once more and from that time and was busy securing both gangway access ladder and pilot ladder until 7 in the morning. It didn’t took me awhile in securing It since it's me and only O.S. Dalida was around.

I guess one scary thing I did after securing the pilot ladder , and was securing the transfer bag at that time was that I was grumbling and making comments about a crew member stating that "he only knows how to act like a bully in the workplace, but if you look closely on his work ., its full of crew ups" . O.S. dalida overheard what I was grumbling and said "PSST !!!" to shut me up., To my surprise O.S. Alvin was behind my back and I'm not sure if he overheard my statement . (good thing for me I never mentioned any name, although I was actually pointing out both Pumpman Carnaje and O.S. Alvin) . He joined us briefly in securing the transfer bag then immediately left.

O.S. Dalida was giggling with laughter thinking that I was making a comment about O.S. Alvin ., But I vehemently denied it and said I was pointing out Pumpman Carnaje (although deep inside I knew he was half right). Somehow ,and for some reason O.S. Dalida is more interested in people having conflicts and chaos onboard, and he might think I'm adding more fuel to the hostility between me and pump man, He might even think that I'm joining his side over his quarrels with O.S. Alvin and A.B. Jun. ., Honestly I'm not getting myself dragged in on their hostilities and as far as I'm concerned an alliance with O.S. Dalida is just out of practicality and not on mutual trust., I won't let myself get dragged on in their hostilities . I would have trusted O.S. Dalida before but after A.B. Jun and O.S. Alvin told me and exposed that he was playing both sides and inciting another fist fight between me and Pumpman Cranje, I stopped short of trusting him and distance myself back .

I'm already here for almost three months and I'm still using the same old cotton gloves that was issued to me months ago (3 months ago) good thing these gloves are washable of else i'd have nothing to use while on work. This principal really has issues on how "regular" they supply PPE's on their crew.