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Thursday, January 23, 2020


Really gets tiring having to try to wake up early morning just to get job orders, as in really early like 2am - but like I said I had no other choice on my situation, I'd manage , I have to manage my predicament.

Lately I had been still doing regular maintenance work as what it is said on the job orders. In the morning me and O.S. Dalida had to remove canvass covers for mooring winches in preparation for arrival in Saudi Arabia. Now these canvasses haven't been removed from the mooring winches for some time now and may indicate that probably by the time this ship berths there it will not be via SBM.

After the removal of canvasses , my work then again got side track awhile as I helped again O.S. Dalida on some work in the Pump room. He wasn't that useful when it comes to getting some item needed for work and had me do all the work in the pump room while he just went upstairs and basically do unessential work. In any case what do I expect from a double dealing rat like him.

By the late afternoon while I was cleaning the whole aft area of the ship., O.S. Dalida suddenly inform me that there will be a drill at around 3.30pm and the sudden announcement of info had me hurriedly securing all the working equipment. I was in a hurry so much that I didn't even bother to clean up the mop and the rest of my equipment I just simply opened the door on the cleaning gear room and dumped all the equipment I'm using.

The "space" in between ceilings , incidentally the whole cable wire connection runs directly above my cabin and electrician had to make a hole above my room to run and re arrange those cables
The following morning.

I did the usual morning wake up to get my job orders and was told that I should assist electrician for his cable wire connections on the ships sensor. The job wasn’t a big deal until on the later part. I even had to go on the narrow spaces in the cabin ceiling just to re arrange those cables.  Actually this is a pretty easy job and got only complicated when we had to put those cable inside those steel pipes , apparently those steel pipes did have any hatches around at the top and we had to insert those cables from one end to another which span about at least more than 25 to 35 meters across.

yeah right , thanks for the reminder , but before that try to look up on crew welfare first