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Friday, October 26, 2018


August 31, 2018 Friday
Moored at buoy in Kemanish, Malaysia

Ship has finally moored at Kemanish, Malaysia. The mooring is "SBM" (Ship buoy mooring) meaning a ship is tied up to a buoy on the forward area and the aft area is moored or guided by a tugboat (or supply vessel). The ship receives cargo from the buoy were its also has a cargo hose.

Apparently mooring in Kemanish, Malaysia has no nearby port., No shore leave for short.

Temperatures in Kemanish, Malaysia is exceedingly hot. As in tropical heat weather, like peak of summer in the Philippines. Anyway there is nothing I can do about this given that I had been thrown on the far side of the world because I don’t have a U.S. Visa around., If I had a U.S. visa - I'd definitely not be on this place., and would prefer the weather in the north Atlantic area, preferably european weather.

Work on an "SBM" type of mooring is relatively easy., Someone has just to stay put and routinely check for buoy position on the forward area and that's about it. And lucky me I'm the person assigned to baby sit on that buoy position. Loading operations was very short ., just mostly around less than 24 hours compared to my previous work experiences on other Oil tanker ships .

Unmooring was also easy and no effort (on my part) was made since I was just baby-sitting the whole buoy position for the whole 24 hours, I just saw my co-workers do the disconnection of the cargo hose , although I wanted to see more on how it is made , I cannot leave the area and just simply watched it via my binoculars.

Soon after unmooring , razor wire was immediately put up around the whole ship , in prep for HRA (High Risk Area) where supposedly piracy and robbery always take place in south east Asia.

Piracy and robbery here in south east Asia is not as violent (or not violent at all) and usually pirates here just steal some stuff on the ships, Its very rare that they harm or attack people,. They do get violent sometimes when of course provoke, other than that - it's nothing to be cause of concern. Personally I don’t think putting up razor wires is necessary at all here in this region, but who am I to say that right ? As long as I'm being paid extra for the efforts then it's none of my business, besides if in rare instance that we do encounter pirates then it’s the ships property they want and not people.