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Friday, October 26, 2018


September 25, 2018 Tuesday
Enroute to Papua New Guinea

Up to now I'm still puzzled on why TCC is avoided by seafarers here in OSM and reliever crew seems to be hard to find on Deck crews, I'm not sure or pin point on what's the main cause why seafarers here find TCC to be repulsive.

(Probably the reason , I suspect is beyond this ship. As what other crew said that this ship has the most lenient work practices compared to other tanker ships in TCC Fleet., its possible that other ships have a more brutal policy,)

In other matters

Given on that situation that there's a possibility that other ships have stringent measures on work, and its possible that my working equipment I use on everyday will be affected (because they might Ban in the future) ., I'm currently thinking of a solution on how to make my equipment less visible to prying "uwak" eyes. (I have no problems using my equipment with filipino's around but having "uwaks" is another story).

The proposal solution I was thinking was having more like a huge pouch on my belt to hid my tools around. I saw such a pouch thankfully in lazada online store. I think it's big enough to conceal my tools and yet have the enough capacity to shoulder the weight and accommodate all of my tools around. Anyway this tactic is still under development process and I will still have to do a lot of thinking on how this might work in the actual work place. 

In other news .,

The ship (Vanguard) finally berthed in Perth and I finally got and internet sim card from the seaman's centere. The first thing I did (aside from putting a top up load) is check out my social media sites and update them. Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc even check out my online banking.

For the social media, there is really nothing much I did but just post some pictures and reply a few messages. But when I checked out my online banking , I was surprised and definitely disappointed that no money was wired transferred to my U.S. Dollar account.,  Puzzled on why there is no money wired transffered to my bank account even though its already way past salary date, I immediately messaged my sister (via facebook) to contact the supervisor in charge and have things clarified. The following day , I received a reply from my sister and found out that the payroll system here is different compared to my two previous employer who use the same bank. BDO.

Apparently although OSM uses BDO as a bank in its payroll, their payroll systems is  somewhat similar to Career Ship Management. They simply keep tabs on the amount of salary I earned and not forwarding it to my bank account. To simply explain it,. All I have right now is simply numbers on a piece of paper indicating that was my salary and I won't get my overall salary until I finish my contract first.

Their payroll system sucks compared to my two previous employers.,…

I was under the impression that they have the same pay methods , since they use Bdo and they require their seafarers to open up a U.S. Dollar account. Turns out it was disappointing that they will not wire transfer my salary anytime soon. Practically it’s a waste and pointless on why they require their sailors to have a U.S. dollar account if they can't wire transfer the salary in the first place. Totally disappointed on how the way they handle the payroll.,

As for the regular allotment (and "special allottement" called M.P.O. or Master payment order) , They do pay on time , but if you ask what is the definition of "on time means" to them , is that it’s "the end of the month" , not early as like 3rd week of the month compared to ALL OF MY PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS.

Honestly the only reason why I joined up on OSM , was because of the reason of having their payroll system associated with the BDO bank, which has an online mobile banking system and instantaneous wire transfer and without this, I don’t see any reason why I should remain longer than necessary in this company.

The effects of OSM not having an effective payroll system for me is that , it's impossible for me to have an instantaneous wire transfer of money to my sisters bank account which is good for emergencies, all other money transfers here are sadly have to go thru the slow process. Another nasty effect is that purchasing items online. Apparently i use online shopping in prep for the equipment's I will use onboard the next ship. Purchasing of online digital games on my gaming console is affected also and other online banking transaction as well. This is definitely a huge set back.

Despite my annoyance and anger over OSM's pathetic payroll management, I have to restrain my anger and just keep it to myself. I just keep repeating the phrase for me to "be professional" if anything goes wrong on my employer. "Professional" in the sense that do only two contracts, never say a word against them but take action, finish the contract and leave (which mean that I should hop again on another company)

In other news …..

Since the ship berthed in Perth, we were allowed to go on shore leave which meant I can go on the nearby town to buy some needed supplies and equipment. Thankfully the shore leave here in this pathetic OSM , is really a shore leave were I get to wonder off in town, (unlike the sham shore leave, in UPL - Shell were they just only let people step on soil but never let them to go anywhere they want). On the shore leave I finally get to wander off in Fremantle Perth area, and did buy a few stuffs - on the second day, but on the first day it was just basically shore leave and have a drink on the local bar.

After long last I finally got to go on a proper shore leave , even though the chief mate was hesitant and said that I should first ask permission on going to shore leave before dressing up.         

full of stuff that i bought on the local store, good thing i have an extra tactical backpack with me

Nintendo eshop cards i bought at the local game stop store in Perth , Austria. I bought this because im going to buy digital games for my nintendo switch (incidentaly the region i registered it is australia)