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Friday, October 26, 2018


August 30, 2018 Thursday
Anchored at kemanish, Malaysia

While we wait for the day for this ship to go berth , We do the usual work that seafarers do when a ship is out to see.


On this work in maintenance , we were tasked to paint the whole mast area just above the monkey island. In short we have to paint the tower that houses the radar equipment. The radar was switched off as per safety working practice.

We were already in the middle of work and painting the area, and I myself was right in front of the blow horn of the ship , when suddenly a big blasting loud "HONK" sound was made by the blow horn. Everybody on the whole Mast area, was interrupted by that deafening sound and me in particular as I was working in front of the blow horn, Sound was loud enough to be deafening. Good thing all of us were wearing a safety harness just in case.

No one was injured on that sudden sound blast, although it did scared the chief mate - thinking that someone might have been injured on that sound blast.

A day after that painting of the mast, we proceeded to work on another "high area". This time it’s the ships chimney, I didn’t get much action on this work, as I was only just assigned to be a look out (more like a guard dog) and just assist and bring in any working equipment the group might need. I did bring in to them a few water hoses, for cleaning and some paint.

Later on that day ,.

We had an emergency drill, basically not anything new - just the usual fire drill, abandon ship drill and enclosed space rescue.

During the abandon ship drill, there was this minor incident in which a lashing broke off while lowering the starboard life boat. Apparently from what I heard they never released those lashings when the life board was being lowered which resulted for the wire to snap out.  Based on what I overheard from the chief mate ., the captain was stupid enough to said lower the life boat, not even knowing that the wire straps have to be released first. Totally dumb ass "Uwak's"  they only know how to make life complicated, by their self-made rules but they themselves are stupid enough to not know the basics, they couldn’t even follow their own rules. In the end of the drill , he called for a meeting and started the "blaming culture" Uwak's are known for and the poor old second mate was the one blamed.

After pointing the blame to someone else , that old crone even has the guts to brag and mention the word "resilience" lecture which came from Shell company , my former employer.  Yeah right ! Resilience ? - for all I know when I was with shell , their so called "Resilience" lectures were nothing but pure horse shit and as what I said earlier, they couldn't even follow their very own lecture or apply it correctly.

All that big talk about their so called lectures, rules and discipline - look has what lead shell into, An "uwak" infested company that every Filipino sailor should avoid at all cost, and on my personal experience - one of the worst companies I worked on my entire career as a sailor.

Save that "uwak" filth for another "uwak"