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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Log entry: June 15, 2016 Wednesday
Typing and sending Oiler's Allan Sta. Ana's message was troublesome but I had to send it anyway since I owe the guy in helping me out sending a message to my sister via putting TOP UP's on my phone. His personal message was very long and was absolutely littered with " blessing for us and pray for me - religious gibberish" which complicates my SMS sending given with the limited amount of time I had to squeeze those SMS before the menu refreshes.
His messages looked more like a standalone email than simple 150  character tweets for an international SMS standard and cramming a four page note on it was frustrating, Anyway I did manage to get it done because I owe him a favour. Oh by the way just to write for the record , the nearby mountain was blocking the cellphone signal and I had to smuggle on the workplace an instrically unsafe device because the only area that has a signal was on the forward part of the ship, everything else is dead spot and I had done that while I was in the middle of working shift. 
Speaking of which , On my equipment - it looks like that I had broken another set of expensive equipment on work,. Alas my kata mini tablet worth 5,000 Php I bought way back 2013 now lies badly inoperable and destroyed from getting soaked on sea water. Apparently I'm partly to blame why it got destroyed , I was looking for an effective device as a clock and being handheld decided that my kata was enough for "work operations" , Now that its commissioned and being used for work, Indian ship officers of mine , one day decided that I was to be put on work while in the middle of the rain and sea splash. As a result my kata mini tablet got water logged and never again functioned, a piece of expensive and usable equipment now lies destroyed. - Fucking Crows !!! 
In other news
Looks like the St. Eustatius berthing will drag now for 5 straight days from discharging to unloading of its cargo and it's not a surprise that fatigue signs are now showing on my work. 5 days straight of 6 hour long working shift and total of 12 hours a day, total that and fatigue will really show up on my part. If this "over worked" working schedule drags on for a long time, I'm not sure on how long can I keep up with this kind of environment. Working environment here is a big drag, imagine practically no rest days !!!
After work on St. Eustatius is finish , I'm sure I'd be dragged on again in the unmooring for again, meaning extended working hours. I'm having doubts that this ship and the principal norstar ship management is complying with minimal rest hours, I figure it is below 10 hours. 
During the whole berthing work, the ship made a few leaks on its cargo - all of it signs of poor maintenance and severely bad corrosion. Even some hydraulic Valves and pumps are leaking like in the winches for example, we had to get buckets to collect those leaks just to prevent them from spilling on the deck floor.  Plus not to mention the problematic gangway and pilot access ladders which sometimes work and sometimes doesn’t work.
When Unmooring time came, an unforeseen scenario happened. Turns out that the Indian 2nd officer had a heated conversation with Pumpman Mondiego Obina from pilot access gangway safety - actually indirectly related to that. It started when one of the bolts on the gangway ladder went missing, 2nd Officer notice that and told pump man about it. Pump man ignored it and said its of little importance , 2nd officer insisted and that’s the trouble started.
2nd officer told Pumpman that he should tell me to get some bolts , Pumpman refused on the fact that I'm not one of his "men" . In the end 2nd officer just told me to get some bolts in the starboard deck store, couldn't figure which size he wanted so I grabbed some few and when I returned they were still arguing. I just kept the silent on the whole ruckus to avoid any flak from both sides.,  A.B. Enrique Antiporta joined on the side of Pump man Obina.
It didn't bother me , after the two broke off and was busy securing the pilot gangway , problem is that O.S. Marden Luib seems to not help me at all on the work and just tells me on what to do, - tsk ! That lazy old tart ! Trying to cheat his way off on work again !!!! I wonder how he got that promotion he brags about in CSM ? Anyway he's been with CSM before so I expect that people who came from that origin on my previous company doesn’t have good manners compared to people from NSB principal. - Asshole doesn’t even know how to open a mast riser properly during work ! Pathetic !!!
Once the pilot ladder was secured , I got a few hours rest and back again on work on the following morning.