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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry Log : June 10, 2016 Friday
Looks like the environment here gets uglier and worst each day that passed. Latest update is that the laundry room will be rarely opened from now on, as in one a week to wash clothes, so basically it means I have only that chance to clean all my numerous coveralls and clothes on that very single day which I know will have a very long line. I have no idea about this illogical water discipline but its sure that life here will get worst as the time goes by. Anyway according to what I heard, fresh water production of this ship is very slow. Really now ?! And am I supposedly to believe on this kind of shit ?! Ha ?! For all I know I had been taking all the shit Norstar Ship Management has been giving me since day 1 when I arrived here. I think they're just saying that to make my life here even more miserable.
Just to add more insult on injury on this matter, I had only received an issued box of tide powder soap for the laundry ( 595 grams to be specific) until this ship arrives to china, which if my math is right while writing this takes more than 50 days' time to reach it. Wow very insightful of the management here, and how the hell am I supposedly to budget that kind of limited resources eh ?! Anyway no matter how much I grumble and complain about this , I'm sure it will only fell to deaf ears. The only possible way for me to this is to get out of here.
In other news
It looks like two crew members here fitter Amiel Lorzano and Oiler Allan Sta Maria are very open about leaving this ship. As a matter of fact, most of the crew are been talking about them resigning to this ship, which I overheard. I'm not sure about fitter but about oiler I think he's dead centered as I am in getting out of this place and we have been talking very meticulously about it a couple of days ago. Anyway who would want to stay on this place right ?! Everything here was deceitful from the start. No Internet, NO sattelite Phones, No bond store, Bosses are Indians , working hours are very long, Low pay, Resource onboard are scare and limited, food is also limited, etc everything that I pictured in my mind that I hate to be, has materialized here. So I can't blame the two for wanting the same to bust out of here. But for now the only thing we can do is sit tight and wait till the next payroll comes and hopefully will be enough to send us back home. Oh and for the record, the only person who knows that I'd be leaving this ship is Oiler Suarez - I don’t plan revealing my intention to any other crew aside from him and let's say I have trust issues with the rest of the crew.
In other news
Currently the laundry rooms floor have been repainted with the colour green, which looks better and nicer than its previous look, But like I said despite it new cosmetically changed look , the laundry area isn't opened yet and some of the washing machine there are still broken.