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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is July 10, 2016 , Sunday
Weather has been very beautiful and comfortable over the past week, now that this ship will be in south Africa in a few days - reminds me of summer time season in Europe.
Sadly despite being comfortable now , next week and so will be very uncomfortable as this ship approaches UAE area. As what I recall a few years back during my deck cadet years, the weather in this area is blistering hot and surely the last place I had in mind in visiting. I still very much prefer and like the weather in Europe than in Asia or in the middle east. If I had known earlier that this ship will be trading on the middle east and Asia , I would have simply avoided and turned down this contract from the start. Anyway I didn’t discovered it only until latter - and besides that CF Sharp lied to me POINT BLANK about this contract.    
In other news on work
Finally have completed sewing all the pockets needed for the coveralls, at least all the pockets for my weekday coveralls (Mondays to fridays), So that brings a total of 5 coveralls - I still need to sew one more pocket for the Saturday coverall.
For the record, this is the most numerous coveralls I had used on all of my previous ships. I had now a total of 14 coveralls inside my cabin and this excludes two more inside my luggage. To break down , I had seven "active" coveralls I use currently (one's which have pockets on the shoulder area) and another seven which I kept as reserve or for emergency uses. So why all the numerous coveralls ? Simple - since laundry here has a schedule and there is no assurance that it would open up anytime soon , I figured that boosting the number I had on my equipment makes better chances of being always ready and equipment will always be available for me to use. It's all just about numbers of how many I have on my arsenal.
Another thing, people might ask is why the hell do I sew pockets on the shoulder area of my coveralls? The reason is very obvious that it's for functionality, and that I don't normally carry stuff inside my pockets around in the pocket chest area of coveralls , somehow putting things there makes me carry stuff in a bulky fashion and I had a hard time moving around with something heavy on my chest area plus the fact that equipment's I place on my chest pocket tend to "slip up" and easily fell off. So I figured by accident way back on CAPE TALLIN ship that putting pockets on my shoulder would make the weight unnoticeable - and it did and in addition it never slipped out or fell on that area.
In other news.
Dubai dry docks is cancelled although the ship repairs will not proceed in this area, it doesn’t necessary meant that this ship won't be going there in Dubai for a loading and discharging operations. Problem with the cancellation on the ship repairs is that this ship will not be equip with internet access, which meant no access means no contact on the outside world especially with direct relatives - a major bummer and set back on the communications part.
Lately there has been a ruckus here on this ship about the home / special allotment not being forwarded to our relatives. In other words to simply say, our salaries have not been paid on time. This caused an uproar amongst almost all the Filipino crew - knowing that our hard earned salaries for a month's hasn't been paid yet. According to our principal Norstar , they have not been informed yet by CF Sharp that they were supposedly to pay the crew of their salary thus resulting that no money was forwarded. As for CF sharp , they have no comments or words yet release about this said "delay" and just kept quiet adding more to the confusion and bewilderment on some of my crew mates if they're doing anything at all to resolve this. My crewmates have already made a letter and we all signed it about the issue on our delayed / special allotment predicament, probably to inform the Norstar or CF Sharp that they have a problem regarding our payroll.
It’s a good move made by our crewmates but there's no guarantee that CF Sharp will even bother to listen or take action.
On Other news
the safety meeting on crew did not exactly resolved issues about this ship which includes the payroll, even the bond store was not even discussed carefully and leaves much doubt and skepticism. Apparently the "bond store" here was not exactly a bond store at all and turns out that captain was implying more of like a "personal purchase order" rather than a tradition bond store, heck it was not even discussed clearly about what kind of payment will be the purchase - if its either by personal pocket money or via salary deduction. Nevertheless whatever this turned out on the "personal purchase" it's very obvious that bond store here is totally non-existent and certainly will not be available at least towards halfway on the contract - making living conditions here more troublesome with the lack of proper supplies.
With this left and right consecutive disappointments, a lot of my crewmates now are grumbling openly about the policies here in this ship and in general in CF Sharp. From my estimate at least more than half of the crew are very dissatisfied on what's going on and the treatment CF sharp gives to us here, A majority of us even decided that after this - we don’t even consider making another contract on this worthless pathetic company, and would be better off elsewhere on another company. Most of us here say that there is nothing positive to talk about on norstar and CF Sharp.   
On my end here for now I'm doing well on the fact that I came here fully prepared and fully supplied, my supplies here is at least sufficient enough to last for months.
In another news
O.S. "Mark" will be moving in on my cabin AGAIN, because this ship will be expecting visitors which resulted to him being booted out on his own cabin (his cabin will be used to accommodate visitors). I don’t mind having a roommate around although I still prefer being alone on my cabin due to privacy issues, but for now there is no choice and having a double "decker" bed on my cabin gives the impression on our chief mate that it can accommodate two people - bad and unfortunate for me.
Good thing this will only be temporarily at least until this ship reaches fujirah U.A.E. which is three weeks away (estimate is end of july)