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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Location : Somewhere Far east on the Somali coast
"Just for the record this is a bad idea , if I ended up being hostage by Somali pirates because of negligence of these blockhead Indian ship officers we have here, I swear to god , I'm going to play Judas and help out the pirates on how get to the citadel and open it myself"
 - Unknown Filipino Sailor During G.O.A. Somali Piracy Transit, July 2016 -  
As expected despite the anarchy reported and hostage taking, transiting Somalia area is generally peaceful and nothing to worry about, and what's more to add to the assurance is that we have an armed guard around to cover our asses.
But despite all the confidence and assurance. Our Indian ship officers here exploited this and wants us to do day work - WHAT THE FUCK !!!! Go outside and do our normal routine of day work ! Right in the middle of a Somali pirate infested area ?! You got to be shitting me ! Just for the record , this is a terrible and stupid idea coming from our Indian chief mate. Now what kind of person in their right mind do a day work on that kind of situation ? - I don’t know but it boggles my mind on logic why the fuck , this Indian chief mate wants that. What is exactly  the fuck goes on in his mind ???
Honestly I don’t see the reasonable judgement on why I have to go outside and do a routine day work in the middle of a pirate watch besides that it's definitely unsafe to be outside on the deck lollygagging on unimportant matters. These block head Gandhi's didn’t realize the possibility that if ever there is a real pirate attack and somehow they got lucky , one of us crew could end up being a hostage.
Although highly unlikely but , if I ended up being hostage by Somali pirates because of negligence of these blockhead Indian ship officers here, I swear to god , I'm going to play Judas and help out the pirates on how get to the citadel and open it myself - So we can all go to hell -WHOLESALE !!!! (Geez I'm starting to think Oiler Allan Sta. Maria was right quitting this ship early.). Cant end up me being the only hostage do I ? I'm going to be relieved if all us end up being hostage (imbecile Indian officers included) .
Anyway so much for all that , so called Safety meeting and briefing shit yesterday - practically useless talk and irrelevant now. I just hope that the three armed guards would do their job in safe guarding this ship, while doing a day work.
Can't imagine that I'm here right now on one of the worst possible places on earth and on top of that , I'm not even getting paid for it.  Fuck you Norstar Ship management and fuck you too CF sharp for putting me here and changing my original ship assignment.
Speaking of which, about the Irrelevant "Safety meeting" - Turns out that the location of the beloved "citadel" (panic room) is the steering gear room, worst place to pick if you ask me. Why ? The whole area has no decent ventilation to start with and pirates can literary access the room easily starting on the steering gear door and "skylight" hatch above, Were secured on the sides entrances but not above entrance. In other words it's basically a death trap and if any crazy ass pirate would be smart and desperate enough to figure this out, he could just basically blow up any of the two entrance door right on top of steering gear room and delivery death from above. Luckily Somali pirates are not known for such mindless carnage and usually (if not almost all) instead prefer capturing sailors alive for ransom, Besides what's the use of a dead sailor anyway compared to a live one ?  If it were not considering the safety of armed security escorts here,. I could say that were all doomed.
Incidentally, a small fishing vessel when straight ahead towards this ship Thursday afternoon. Everybody dropped everything on what are they doing and went inside, even the armed guards got alarmed and hurriedly went upstairs from the mess room to the bridge and wore their bullet proof vest and armed themselves.  The small fishing vessel went in close proximity and incidentally had the stereo type appearance of a "pirate mothership" (dilapidated rundown look) and small skiffs a few meters just beside it. Fortunately the small fishing boat didn't change direction and just passed by, and the skiffs never moved at all. In other words it was a false alarm and was just a typical fishing boat in the middle of the sea or maybe it saw that this ship has armed guards (via telescope) and decided that attacking was a bad idea - who knows ? . In any case this scared the shit on most of the people here, including our neglectful Myanmar ship captain. At about an hour after, we all went back to our usual work. Me on the bridge as a lookout for pirate ships and the others were on day work chipping rust.