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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is June 26, 2016 , Sunday
(FOT / GOT - means fixed overtime / guaranteed overtime pay , meaning you still get the paid for the work done outside normal working hours. Common term used here as a sailor is "open" overtime and "fixed" overtime. )
It's now confirmed that FOT / GOT won't pay that much, for them it’s a surprise but for me it wasn't and was anticipated weeks before it came out. Basically the FOT / GOT pay was based per rank of person on this ship, so the higher the rank goes the higher the pay, but for me since I'm one of the lower rankers then its pretty obvious that this pathetic company named norstar will just give scraps. From what I heard the GOT / FOT for the O.S. given on this month was just a total of 17 hours, yeah 17 fucking hours !!! All that hard work that was put for a total of a month without rest days and excess working was just put as toilet paper. (total of only 53 U.S. Dollars all in all, WHAT THE FUCK !!!). When I was a deck cadet I only had 40 U.S. worth on overtime pay, now what's the difference between norstar and my past employer during my deck cadet years eh ?!  Just only 13 dollars difference but total bullshit !!!, might as well that they should have put it on a fixed overtime rather than open overtime - pathetic !!!
So all that propaganda bullshit CF sharp has been to deceiving its sailors so that they can sign up for the norstar principal was just plain hoax and to lure unsuspecting victims to ruin. Anyone reading this on my writing SHOULD NOT PROCEED ON EMPLOYEMENT IF CF SHARP OFFERS YOU THE NORSTAR PRINCIPAL. As much as possible avoid it at all cost , otherwise you're in for the ride of your life and will be put directly to harm's way. The Ship is very unsafe given with its age (built 1996) which is by the time writing this is 20 years old now.
But the biggest part here about this news is that some of my fellow crew members don’t even have the slightest idea that this will happen on the start., I'm somewhat amused that they're IQ's are not that high when it comes to this and  they have been around sailing longer than I was and yet they are as clueless on the actual situation that Norstar will be conning its way. It was a big surprise for them to learn about this and yet it's not for me and Oiler Allan Sta. Maria , - PATHETIC ! They should have known better that this will happen, To be perfectly honest I was thrilled to see the look on their faces on how disgusted they were when they heard the news.
In other news related to work.,
Currently were still chipping off huge chunks of corrosion and rust on the aft winches, The rust here is so thick that even using a "jet chisel" tool is useless and will take time. As on me I'm not using a chipping hammer , instead I use a claw hammer , the hammer which a carpenter typically use to smash nails. Each smash I make on the hammer literary chunks and chunks fell off like broken stale crackers. Before the end of each working day my coveralls are covered with pulverized rust from all that hammering and chipping in the winches.
Another thing why "jet chisel" equipment here works on a limited basis is because also of the weak outdated compressor from the engine room. To everyone's annoyance four "jet chisel" equipment cannot work simultaneously, if it does pressure from the air socket weaken and thus the efficient "jet chisel" is nothing more than just useless equipment.
More Recently …
Me and O.S. "Mark" , had been order to work on the "garbage segregation" which meant rummage the garbage and reorganize it. Good thing for me this work meant like scavenging any useful I can find, and I did find some useful items like an mp3 player which I can use as a clock, a few nylon straps and a spare coveralls. Scavenging trash may be degrading for the most part but if a person is  stranded and left for dead by his employers (like in my case in CF Sharp) this could be a life saver in finding items that matter. It's not something to be proud of but definitely it’s a must if I'm going to stuck here longer.
Speaking of which , I had found one particular item on the trash , specifically it was a pack of "Kisses" dark chocolate and given with the situation here of the lack of food and other essential items including the fact of "NO BONDSTORE" , I had thoughts of keeping it and hiding it on my cabin and eating it on the latter but of course to my dismay it has been in the trash for almost a month and there's no assurance that it can be riddled with bacteria and fungi. well There's an option that I can use the microwave to sterile the food and blast it with radiation , but I can never be certain that all bacteria (or other organisms) will be purged in the process, besides knowing that working conditions here are very poor and they won't even bother to send me to a doctor if I get sick because the Company matters more to them than human lives. I decided not to proceed on my plan on eating that pack of chocolates and instead threw it to the sea.  I just can't simply risk myself in getting sick here. Besides I maybe inoculated from cholera , but that doesn’t meant I can't catch something else like dysentery, E. Coli bacteria or "God-knows-what" from eating that chocolate - yummy as it may look but I had to pass . It's for the best despite being hungry. 
The reason I had thoughts about it in the first place was because of the lack of food here, I had been on five ships before and this ship (my six one) is the poorest working environment I've met of all so far. Practically no food and nothing decent to eat, especially during nighttime. I'm not sure if chief cook's working practices are bad or is the ship restricting its limited food supply. Either way the conclusion here is food is scarce even for Asian standards.
In other news
Another disappointment came in on this so called "safety meeting" last Saturday. Apparently any attempts that bond store would be put are met with disappointment when our Myanmar captain said that bond store is not exactly needed on this ship and that if we ever need something like toothpaste, lotion , soap etc. We can get it easily elsewhere on land (if the ship berths) specifically when this ship dry docks in china for repairs. WHAT THE FUCK ?!! WHAT THE FUCK ?! How am I supposed to get stuff on a situation that is still a few months away ? Besides that there is no assurance that we will get out of the shipyard at all after work. Moreover even if by some chance we could get out , we don’t have any money yet and we haven't been exactly paid and given cash money. I had been given here more than a month now and I haven't been paid on my salary yet (at least given cash) and only some paper slip with numbers saying that some cash was deposited on my bank account.
Either way the situation is that the bond will not exist and if does its not reliable, which will be a problem for me later since I heavily relay on it for food, soap and other essential stuff.