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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is June 22, 2016 , Wednesday
There have been news that came in lately, not exactly bad news but definitely not good news.
First off, the overtime pay that almost everybody is awaiting here has been approved and from the looks of it , a few have been happy about the excess overtime working hours but of course not all. From the rumours Deck department had an excess 25 working hours, so that means the total of working hours will be something close to 105 to 110 working hours from the standard GOT / FOT on our contracts (guaranteed overtime / fixed overtime). This may sound sweet but doing the math may not be so,
Based on my contract I had a net pay for a month is just 1,000 U.S.D. which includes the GOT / FOT , If I add my excess working hours then multiply the excess working hours to my rate per working hour - it only adds to 78.25 U.S.D. ,
Hmpf !!! All that hard work for just 78.25 U.S.D. ??? I had already been working even on weekends on this pathetic ship , not to mention had a cleaning schedule of every hour everyday plus TAKE NOTE of extended working hours during mooring / unmooring and a 6 hour long shift every time this ship goes to port and all this stinky Norstar Ship Management / CF Sharp Crew Management can add is just 78.25 U.S.D. ??? WHAT THE FUCK ?!!! Honestly 1078 U.S.D. pay barely scratches my previous salary of 1268 U.S.D. and does not even impress me  at all.
Most of my co-workers are joyful about the increase , but I'm not sure if they're just ignorant or they haven't been employed previous with a good company with a better principal. Either way I'm amused they're still smiling even if they're giving us shitty pay.
As for the Excess overtime pay, thanks but this doesn’t change anything on the way I think about CF sharp and Norstar Crew management.
In other news ….
Had heard that fitter Amiel Lorzano did pass his repatriation request and it was only hand written, From what I heard it was passed after ST. Eustatius loading and from the looks of it he will be going home once this ship reaches Singapore somewhere late July or early august. Oiler Allan Sta Maria is also thinking of passing his repatriation request , despite earlier having second thoughts and didn’t passed his repatriation request. On my end , I had already missed out the opportunity in sending a repatriation request which I should have done right after St. Eustatius loading operation, Despite the setback because I hesitated - I will send a request sometime in late November. Hopefully I had at least enough money to go around with that time period by that time to cover up huge losses of income on this contract.