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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


LOG ENTRY June 05, 2016 Sunday
Despite being Sunday , there is still work going on here on this nightmare ship "BOSTON EAGLE" .
Pay slip just came out , and as expected it was unsurprisingly disappointing.
Some of the crew here were very ignorant on what is actually going on the salary, actually almost all of them are smoochers (translation in Tagalog "sip sip") hoping that Norstar Ship management will be fair on the employments terms. I guess that’s the problem with Filipino crew, Most of them are arrogant and cocky sons of bitches thinking they're the high and mighty when it comes to manual labour but almost all of them don’t know shit when it comes to paper management works like this on the pay slip and pay roll issues. PATHETIC !!! People who don’t have balls to do what needs to be done.
Now these ignorants are figuring it out for themselves on how to solve the payroll and are even hopeful that norstar might hold up to the end of the deal on the contract. Haven't they even though theoretically that filling up past beyond the 85 overtime hours on work is almost impossible to achieve ? That would mean for us to practically work almost every day without a rest day (Sundays to Saturdays)  And there is no absolute guarantee that this principal Norstar Ship Management will even kept the promise of compensating to the overtime pay., My Filipino crewmates are total fools for even expecting good pay to this company. Worst part is that they are ignorant and don’t have the iron balls to stand up and investigate on what the fuck is going on.
Some of the crew doesn’t even know what and where is the leave pay going to be claimed, Can you believed that ?! What total idiots are they to think that leave pay is going to be claimed while onboard ?! As far as I know leave pay is going to be claimed when the sailor reaches home. So basically for us here the dollars is just nothing more than just ink marks on a piece of paper and that this principal , this so called norstar shitty company is doesn’t let us handle our hard earn money. In fact if I recall correct, they're not going to hand us any money at all while onboard, So practically there won't be any shopping done while I'm here or when I'm disembarking few months after this at the airport. Big question is - what the fuck am I supposedly to buy , when their not giving me any money at all , What ? Are they supposed to let me barter my way out ? And sell my underwear for a burger and soft drink ?.
Even the so called
I guess that’s the difference with me from them , I'm not afraid to lose my job just to uphold my beliefs and putting my neck on the line, I'm not afraid to speak out. Filipino's easily shit on their pants when the subject is already about losing their jobs, even if safety and health is already compromised.  The former principal I work with was a soviet run type of principal, they are brutal in some aspects but reasonable people. They even let us take week ends off as a rest day and the overtime is pay is 120 hours per month, and we don’t have to go to great efforts and hardship just to fill that 120 hours of pay. It's more like a semi fix and semi open overtime.
 Here on this Indian infested principal things are much worse, and are already violating ILO work standard violations. Practically no rest days at all , and work starts 8am till 5:30pm.
In the late morning,
I was caught surprised that an AB is even grateful that have an 90 hour over time bah !! And asked myself should we really be grateful on such absurd employment terms ????! , and we have to go to great lengths of work just to fill that ? Probably this stupidly pathetic A.B. doesn't even know what he's exactly talking about and most likely he hasn't been to a good company as well, . This A.B. is so full of shit !