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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Journal log entry : June 13, 2016 Monday
Area: St. Eustatius , (Somewhere in the Caribbean)
After much deliberation and thinking, I had finally made a verdict and I think it's best for me to sit tight and ride this whole contract out. Now the only problem I have for the moment would be notifying my sister, that I had changed my mind and will not go home by August.
Maybe surprising by now that a couple of weeks ago, I was blabbering about going home and all that shit. As a matter of fact I still do because I was deceived and coerced by CF Sharp in signing unfair contracts. However despite my reasons , I cannot set aside logic and reason that land base jobs are more easily constructed / deconstructed with minimal whiplash compared to overseas job. Basically having a land based job is more secure and the worker is more protect by law than the overseas one, As an OFW I have to consider that once I'm outside the Philippines, It's every man for himself - and that I'm at the mercy of my employer quiet literary. So its more complicated to quit a job overseas than quit a job locally because of this because Phil. Labour law doesn’t apply elsewhere. In other words I'm avoiding the risk of my whiplash if I don’t finish my contract
As for my teeth, apparently I had to endure this for a couple of months for now and imperatively need dental repairs as soon as I get back in the Philippines and hope that the damage sustained is not that extensive enough to made me lose my teeth. 
In other matters , ship has recently reached and berthed in St. Eustatius , an island somewhere in the Caribbean and began loading in cargo. As usual I'm off again on my usual task of the gangway watchman , and helping out in the manifold area. Honestly I'm not in the mood or even excited about my work , and the stinky contract adds more to my dissatisfaction here.
Speaking of which, I overheard Oiler Edgar being cheerful about the overtime pay, saying that there's a bonus or some sort of extra pay for the long working hours we had been working with. I could just giggle and smile about how stupidly naïve and clueless this guy is, and how he is ever falsely hopeful on the situation. It’s a surprise that my co-workers are idiotically blind about the contract we signed with that, they didn't have any idea that we signed on a FIXED OVERTIME PAY and that CF sharp / Norstar Crew Management has been deceiving us all along. - Pathetic Fools !!! It took me only a couple of days to figure this one out and them , up to now are still figuring out the situation. If I could only tell them on their stupidly tenaciously unwilling brains that they should wake up and do a reality check then they don’t have to realize first-hand about what is actually going on here.
There is no absolutely no chance that this ship nor Norstar Crew Management would be paying our excess overtime working hours. Why ? They put up a rude gurgle tongued PRO-COMPANY Myanmar Captain in charge of the whole damn ship ! And applease Norstar crew "fucking ship" management this Captain has been pushing the limits of comfortability to the limits, just to save money. Shipping companies nowadays like Norstar don’t care if the ship is comfortable of not and their the stereotypical money hungry company , they only thing they care about is the statistics that they're saving money and whoever does that has a ship's captains smelly spring time fresh name on it. Bottom line I don’t absolutely think that our beloved gurgle tongued captain would pay the excess overtime salaries they owe us, for the rest of my stupid crew member's - they'd just have to figure it out later this month about the real deal.
Despite all the misery and ignorance this ship has to offer, I had some relieving news that I learned the tedious procedure of "SMS TIPID" promo of smart roaming service on the cellphone, convenient in the sense that cost of international SMS is reduced drastically as low as 2 Philippine Peso. The drag is that I have to numerously type a set of numbers plus have to keep in mind to type in my SMS fast before the menu that pops up refreshes. The annoying part of this is that the service is more of a menu mania ,  but the overall point here is to send message internationally cheaply despite the cumbersome menu's
From what I recall here is what I have to Dial on my cellphone, first of course is that I have to subscribe first.
Dial *133*<amount of top up load, 100 , 200, 500 PHP> followed by #
Example *133*100#
After that , a message will pop up on the cellphone informing the number of international SMS available
After that the next thing to do is send a message and again I have to dial a set of numbers
Dial *133*<followed by the number of the receiving cellphone> followed by #
Example *133*09204785463# press call button
A menu pops , to type in the message then followed by the menu send text and voila !! International text in low cost served !!!
In other matters….
Since most of my contract will be spent on this hell hole Asia pacific , I had decided to make changes on my equipment as part of my "adaptive tactics". As I had been writing on the past few months, my equipment is suitable in European environment (i.e. cold environment) - this maybe good on European setting but troublesome and terribly uncomfortable in warmer (if not hot) Asia pacific environment (i.e. warm to hot environment). Basically the designs of my equipment trap body heat , and if to be put on Asian temperatures it would just basically roast me to death.,
Fortunately for me , I bought along the trip some stuff that have thinner clothing suitable in dispersing body heat. Although the equipment I had with me is few but certainly it will be invaluable for my work here, and will provide protection and comfortability at the same time. It’s a blessing that I had been a pack rat and it really paid off despite receiving a lot of criticism on a lot of ignorant people saying that I was carrying too much "unnecessary" luggage. Glad that I had proven them wrong and despite the hardship work here on this hellish "BOSTON EAGLE" ship , I am confidently saying that I'm well equip and more of a match on the rigors of work.