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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is July 11, 2016 Monday
Location : Port Elizabeth, South Africa
A lot of people have been dissatisfied on recent developments on our working condition here and it's no surprise that there are grumbling a lot as well, I can't blame them , seeing that I myself is dissatisfied over the conditions here and it’s a far cry from the good treatment I had received when I was in Career Ship Management on NSB "Conti" Ships. Shame that I had to leave on my former company due to very long "Waiting time". Anyway now I know why CF sharp is not included on my list of possible suitable companies to begin with, Working Conditions here and Company policies are not suited for a seafarer and not built for long term employment. Frankly my employment here is a big setback rather than progress on my career.
Despite the battery of consecutive disappointments that plague working conditions here, life goes on and so does the never ending process of work. I'm not in a good mood to work but I had to keep on going, knowing that a few months more and I'd get the fuck off on this ship for good which is my main goal. I still have at least 6 months to complete the exact contract here.
About work, currently this ship is expecting 4 visitors from some sort of "DNV - GL" and rooms to accommodate them have already been prepared. Some of them will be occupying the hospital and some on actual cabins ( and on my disappointment me and "O.S mark" are compressed on one cabin ).
For now my work involves helping Pump man out down below on the pump room. Apparently recent events had the bowels of the pump room flooded again by water and we had to scoop and take out the water. On that work I had to bring out and use my safety helmet that has a headlight with it , but while working I found out that it was too bulky and too heavy for my head plus I can't maneuver and do a mouse look because of tight spaces and large pipes above my head. All the time I had to crouch and bend in taking out the water because there's not enough leg room. (which added stress on my neck and back)
Thinking of that scenario, I needed an equipment that can get my headlight on tight spaces without bumping my head into something and can make me move around a little bit easier while working. The end result of it was that I had made and developed an equipment similar to an NVG frame (night vision googles), actually it’s made out of the inner plastic frame of a safety helmet, the plastic straps placed to keep the head in place on the helmet and using some of the equipment I had with me on the luggage and some equipment I saw here, I made a little tune up and modification and tweaked it. I haven't tested it yet on my equipment made but hopefully soon it will see action on the actual working conditions here.
Going back about the visitors, It looks like that this ship is having another rumour about altering its course away from Kenya and Madagascar, as in way beyond the waters off on this countries. Perhaps probably away from GOA Somali area (high risk piracy area), in order for the company to save money and not hire a security team to protect this ship (mercenaries). There's no specific yet detail if this is true or not, The only thing known is that this ship will alter course because of "bad weather" according to the captain.  
At about 6PM a small barge came in for bunkering of this ship (refueling), a few moments later another small craft approached carrying the four surveyors followed by another supply barge that carries razor wire supplies.
During the loading of supplies, BOSUN Rodrigo was in the crane when he saw something smoking on one of the plastic bags , and yelled out that we better get the way out of those bags. Chief mate Douza saw it and yelled that I should get the fire hose ready. I immediately came grabbing one of the hoses and putting it on the water pipes, when I came to the location , O.S. "mark" was already dousing the huge plastic bag that was making a smoke. Turns out later when it was thoroughly searched that one of the car batteries inside the supplies ruptured and spilled acid , Anyway it was just a false alarm in the end.
After the brief minor incident, Chief mate Douza said that we had to take out all the razor wires out which we did only later to find out that he changed his mind after taking out all the wires on the plastic bag and said that we should store it on the starboard midship store, ( Hmpf !! What a total indian dick ! He should have told us earlier about this to save us the trouble).
At about 8pm I had to leave on the workplace, along with BOSUN Rodrigo and O.S. "Mark" and head out to the crew mess to grab some grub since we skipped out dinner and left the "riding crew" to finish off the work in the razor wire.
Midnight , Me and O.S. "Mark" was awaken again on the heave up the anchor after the bunkering ops. Heaving anchor was fine and got delayed when the chain was tangled up a big on the anchor , fortunately it was resolved quickly after two hours.