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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Piracy watch keeping is now officially over and I don’t have to be problematic about the lack of sleep over this. Although the piracy watch is just roughly a four hour shift every 12 hours, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the only work I was doing on that time. With cruelty and brutality our Indian officer's had us doing day work - worst part is that this so called "O.T." doesn’t even get paid at all.
Anyway it’s a good thing that I'm now living on the 21st century, and social media is already invented. I can now chronicle my experiences as a sailor and let the public read it one day, it's for them to know the inequalities, and viciousness of this line of work and to show that being a sailor is not "living in the lap of luxury" as what it was always portrayed in the Philippine Public.  
Going back, Since this ship will be now arriving very soon in Fujirah U.A.E. , we have now removed the anti-personnel razor wire throughout the whole ship and started cleaning up, also the Armed guard helped us out in removing those wires and they will be disembarking soon when this ship arrives in U.A.E. or Oman.,
(There are three armed guards here on this ship, Team leader is Greek, the two other are Indian nationalities)
 Aside from the removal of anti-personnel equipment. We had the usual routine of having a drill, actually it's more like a familiarization of a life boat, Boring stuff and despite the boringness of it. Our annoying Indian officers here had time to Brag and ridicule me, saying that I know nothing when it comes to lifeboats. Pathetic ! This smelly Indian's don’t have an idea that I had been on five ships before and its very obvious that I'm already familiar on the procedures of launching a lifeboat, What makes them think I don’t know it ? This narrow minded Indians have never thought that I was just playing along on their game, besides that I'm not simply plainly interested in learning anything at all in this company and why should I bother ? CF Sharp and Norstar is simply just full of shit from the start )