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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log is June 28, 2016 , TUESDAY
More and more are joining in on the "Unsatisfied" band wagon and wanted to leave this ship due to undesirable working conditions here. Recently I learned that two of the O.S. riding crew here on this ship has submitted his letter of repatriation and will be joining Fitter Amiel Lorzano and Oiler Allan Sta. Maria in disembarking in Singapore. To what reason why O.S. will be disembarking is still yet unknown as of this moment(thought Oiler Allan is still undecided as of the moment), but its not surprise to learn that the reason might be something to do with the working conditions here. After all that's the main reason why most of  people here are unsatisfied and disgruntled , including myself because not all (in fact none at all) that they promised was met here on this ship.
As a matter of fact, I myself was planning to disembark here but I screwed up after St. Eustatius when I didn’t submitted my letter of repatriation. So my only hope now is this so called mystical "early vacation" leave - if ever it is true on what Cf Sharp tells before we got deployed here. The moment I can only do for now is to sit tight and relay on my skills to last at least a couple of months before I bust out of here. I can only hope by that time , this ship is somewhere in the Asia pacific region and the airfares are not that high in case of an emergency.
Now the question on those two O.S., is if their reason are valid enough to earn them a ticket home?
In other news.
Looks like that O.S. "mark" will be moving in again on my cabin, and I have no idea why they keep compressing him on my cabin. Just as this ship will be expecting at least 3 more visitors (possible is 6) doesn’t mean he'd be booted out of his cabin and be thrown into mine. It's annoying on the fact that I don’t have enough space here and second , I lack the privacy having a roommate. Don’t get me wrong I'm not angry on O.S. "mark" in anyway , but what I'm critical about is the MLC standard of a sailor having a 1:1 ratio on accommodations. It's a big hassled for both of us O.S. sharing a same room.
For the info on this journal the visitors will be expecting will be some sort of superintendents probably from DNV-GL , and another three armed security personnel for the transit in Somalian area.