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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Entry log : June 12, 2016 Sunday
Yesterday's talk with Oiler Allan Sta Maria had been fruitful on planning but it reveal some complications about our situation on getting out. Apparently my reason is valid, so there's little complication about my predicament, however regarding Oiler Allan's situation on "refusal to work" it’s a lot more complicated. From what I heard from him is that there's some sort of 4 months professional reason for any resignation, which rendered him to - if he submits his resignation to somewhere in August. So it means bottom line is that if I ever decided to proceed in quitting this job - I have to go thru it alone. If I submitted my "letter of repatriation" it's up to the company anyway, if they will approve it or not. For me the difficult part is going to it alone on this plan, But Oiler told me that it's not an issue with him if I went ahead first - If I manage to pull this off.
Aside from me and Oiler, another person on the race to leave this ship is Fitter Amiel Lorzano. I haven't talk to him about my plans, and never plan to, probably because I don’t want any screw-ups on some loud mouth guy like him, and Oiler Edgar is right that I should go on this one alone, Besides from my understanding bereavement reason / compassion reason is the best sure way to get home / escape this ship, without ruining my so called employment records as a sailor,. Although it unfortunate that somebody has to die first namely a direct relative in order to get this first.
For now I'd attempt to pass my letter of repatriation , after this berthing / loading operations on ST. Eustatius (somewhere in the Caribbean) or something and see what happens next. Of course I'm still thinking if I will submit it or not.
In other news
Fortunately since it's a Philippine holiday, It was whole day rest - well almost. I was  again put to work to assist Pump man and an A.B. in some forecastle business which went all up till 10am to finally be resolve. The rest of the day was spent with me getting my clothes lineup on the washing machine (which had a lone line since almost everybody on this ship haven't had their laundry done for a week) and either putting back all the stuff, I took out on my luggage in prep for what I mention earlier and checking out / repairing the equipment I had been using.